Yes Poles

Go to war with Russia please.

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Please do it Any Forumsacks!

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They will rather they realize it or not. Not all of those refugees are running from smth many are running to smth, dressed as sheep.

After Easter.

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I swear germsniggers are worse than jews.
Look at my flag

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Are you winning or losing?

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i see what you did there

He's losing his savings.

Poles want to taste Tu-160


Attached: Germany_is_great_again_restored.jpg (1125x1390, 343.5K)

you hate the poles so much that you are willing to get dragged into the war yourself and get the nuke party going?

Biden won't do shit, therefore NATO won't do shit. Russia could invade Alaska.

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US is all up in ukraine right now.. that's why Bolton keeps pushing for "ground troops" and military intervention.. CIA is denying that they are behind the ass raping that's happening to the Russian military right now.

We will just send ghost of Poland Morawiecki to make them some tax reforms. This will end them faster than sanctions.

Man i wish i could post all the dead retarded ukrainians here but 2ch imageboard has bigger size+audio allowed. Not gonna convert all this shit just for you.

>Man i wish i could post all the dead retarded ukrainians here but 2ch imageboard has bigger size+audio allowed. Not gonna convert all this shit just for you.

Attached: 478lam.png (633x758, 7.78K)


Fucking manlet


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