More Azov soldiers surrendering to Chechens

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Let the torture begin

lmao just complete surrender of not just mariopol but the whole nation how many fingernails did they pull

This is how you know Ukraine is winning

No worries they will be freed in the coming counter-attack

Surrendering to chechens is not very smart

>b-b-b-b-but Putin chuds are losing!

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>Surrendering to Chechens after threatening to burying them in pig skin
They are going to gouge their eyes out

thats why russia with all its mongols need to be destroyed


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>Looks like meat's back on the menu, boys!

Not good for them. Probably shouldn't have made those videos about dipping the bullets in pig fat. Those Muslims are going to rape all of them

Where is proof they are Azov. At least show badges.

yes. thats the same.
what does your pic say?

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Unironically kill yourself

Because i ask for proof? Azov showed proof when they captured and killed Chechens

>Source? Sourcey source source source source? Source bro? Got a source for us bruh? Yo you get any of those sources?

Don’t let them surrender. Kill the Nazis. Every one them, and their wives and kids too.

The eternal BBC poster. Mutt's law, everyone

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>surrendering to the forces that you've mocked and dishonored by shooting at with lard-coated bullets
They won't have their heads when buried, inshallah


based Kremlin chuds

They're working for you tho kike

ukraine is still winning though

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Azov is three times bigger than they were at the start of the war. Soon they will be so big they will come to your house and flush your hrt and splash citrus in your face

I still get chillings when i think of those beheadings

Well that's a violation of the soldiers rights right there, if they surrender, that's it, no fucking video's or humiliation.


wtf is wrong with you mutts'?

woah they killed Chechens? source?

Lets hope the last crusade comes fast so ur shit kind gets slaughtered from the face of the earth along with the cult of a false prophet of yours.

what a fucking poofta kill yourself



kek imagine getting captured by Chechens, may as well just put a bullet in your own brain. At least they're not foreigners. Foreigners get a one way trip to an FSB torture camp (if you're lucky).

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I despise Any Forums you motherfuckers are happy that white people are dying by the hands of some mongoloid Muslims

Fuck the west. I hope niggers will outbreed you.
The nazis here were always larping incels. Fucking pathetic

I'm actually surprised to see Azov guys surrendering, you'd think they'd be the mofos who'd fight to the death cause surrendering might actually be a worse fate.

Chechens dont rape and torture people like your zogbot criminal faggots. Try again. You have literally 0 evidence that Chechens have tortured any of them even despite Azog being total degenerates and civilian murderers

woooow look Any Forums. There are people getting caught in wars. wooooooooooooooow what a story.

bro have you read anything about the Chechen wars? Kidnapping, ransom and torture was the bread and butter.