Russian citizenship for JK Rowling when?

Russian citizenship for JK Rowling when?

Attached: IMG_20220325_152750.jpg (644x1107, 204.85K)

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> You're a gopnik harry!

as much as i hate the faggots and trannies, at least they have the freedom to speak their nonsense instead of going missing for holding a piece of paper outside

>at least they have the freedom to speak their nonsense instead of going missing for holding a piece of paper outside
You think that's a good thing?

Yes, we have so much freedom of speech, it's unreal

Mcafee went around openly taunting glowies while carrying guns and drugs. That's not a political protest, it's a declaration of war. He was a fun guy, though, but it's no wonder he's dead. They killed Bob fucking Sagat for far less.

You’re a subject, not a citizen.
Leaves leave.

She hates Jewtin

Attached: IMG_20220325_135844.jpg (1042x1078, 275.44K)

Didn't this bong not get jailnfor being mean online loooool

Attached: tj5_Fotor.jpg (1212x682, 60.67K)


Imagine being this dumb

Yeah at least they can say whatever they want on social media while I am banned. That is the price of freedom

T. Tavistock and big pharma stonk holder

Go on Twitter or Facebook, under your real name with the profile open to the public and say you don't like Niggers, Wogs, Black people or say you don't like Islam or you deny the holocaust or you think Jewish people hold too much control over the media and political class in England. Go on do it, I'll wait for the screencap for proof and tell me how free you are.

Attached: got that EXTREME 12 year old who offended millionaire ngubu protected.png (657x658, 310.13K)

>the freedom to speak their nonsense instead of going missing for holding a piece of paper outside
>their nonsense
Yep but do YOU have that?

This. Zoomers who nothing about russia or life behind the iron curtain have convinced themselves living in an russian led authoritarian communist state would be better. I get it, I hate trannies too but this is pure retardation

Russia already has cancel culture where they throw nationalists, admireres of white russian-european heritage, islamophobics and anti-semitists into jail.

Its literally illegal to critisize other races or religions in russia

Unfortunately this in the UK

When you’re a subject these experiences will habben.
If you don’t have anti-social media there is no problem.
I can walk out my front door in the fresh air and proclaim my hatred for all things and all is well.

>Go on Twitter or Facebook, under your real name with the profile open to the public and say you don't like Niggers, Wogs, Black people or say you don't like Islam or you deny the holocaust or you think Jewish people hold too much control over the media and political class in England. Go on do it, I'll wait for the screencap for proof and tell me how free you are.
I fucked around and found out- I merely said on facebook, Gosh, I wonder what group of people would grift off this?" I was banned and someone also went to my LinkedIn page-- Tere are people who will go after you and feel like they've done the world a favor- fuck all jews

lol don't think your humor is lost on me
if you notice, anything bad outside of russia doesn't count
anything good inside russia doesn't count