What is your stance on deserters and draft dodgers?

What is your stance on deserters and draft dodgers?

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conscription is slavery
I see nothing wrong with avoiding be turned into a slave

they deserve death but serbs deserve worse.

Apply this notion to taxation and suddenly everyone thinks you're Ted kaczynski

Remember when you had an empire and called your emperors caesars for centuries and then you lost two battles in a row and that was it

Agree, taxes are theft and I hate paying them and try my best to fuck with that system as well.

kek, good one. remember when you had an empire? neither do i.

depends, deserting an invading army that invades because their precious leader ran out of bananas? good people. deserting your home getting invaded because you are a coward? a bullet ween the eyes is deserved

If your country is being invaded and you run not sure you should be able to return. As an American, our military is sickening and repulsive. They murder people in their own voluntary then come home and turn on their own. Fuck them all. I'll never join.

Must be nice living Ina. Country where you can talk like that without getting a visit from the secret police.

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Based. If you are in the military you deserve to get killed.

Depends, if it's for God's army then fuck them. However for America's army, yeah its ok.

Why should I care if some conscript upheld an oath he was forced to take against his will?

None of my business.

As a straight white male I will not fight for a country that hates and fears me. I would sooner assist a foreign government that sought to destroy mine than expend one ounce of energy supporting it. My race is my nation and my skin is my uniform. 14/88

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Roman worships the west including nigger culture and modern "drip" fashion trends. It wouldn't be too rash to say that he is a representative of many modern Russians (especially moskovites) who wish to emulate the American hedonistic bourgeoisie culture.

>without getting a visit from the secret police.
for now.

It was fun watching him bask in globohomo money, consooming more and more stuff, moving to St Petersburg, peddling crypto and then running away to Tbilisi.

Sry, thought you were in another country. We have secret police. At least China is obvious about it. They have open secret police.

If my country doesn't have my interests at heart during peacetime, why should I protect it during wartime?

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They were right.

I cannot say it or would get fined.

One fucker was already extempt from military service for being unfit. But as the ukraine invasion started, he joined the civil servants. And ofc extempt from civil service for being unfit. Then he brags about it in major news.

He must be *censored* faggot *censored* piece of shit

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im not dying for a jew

Conscription sucks, but he deserves to be drafted because he's the Russian version of American urban libcuck obsessed with consooming Gucci, McDonalds and western media.

Shame you have (((obligations))) to NATO then

How are those billion dollar planes treating you

white people have no problem fighting for their jewish golems, so you wont find much white dodgers

There would be nothing wrong with dodging the draft today.

Don't really care about draft dodgers but deserters can get the bullet.

Conscription is disgusting.
I have no responsibility or protect to protect this shithole of a country.
There are enough people willing to do that. I don't want to

Draft dodging is completely justified if you're an unwanted male. You literally can't expect someone to still show up after being told his entire life that he's an unwanted, useless excess male whose life has no value. Fight your own fucking wars

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