Male Contraceptive

You're going to take the pill, right?

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Don’t need to. I have sex with men.

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already do fren.

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this is actually better than letting females decide when to have babies way you can do like the roasties and be like
>i forgot to take the pill ooopsies teehee xDDD

oh hell no, male body was not designed to be periodically infertile and female body was

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Don’t need to. All the zoomer females took the vaxx.

Just beat them up until their weak body can't produce strong offspring! If it survives? The broiler.

no thanks. Testosterone is a great male contraceptive with good benefits. If they really cared about men the way they claim they do and it wasn't just a scam to make men infertile cause they're man hating dykes, they'd push testosterone as birth control.

Female birth control ends up in the water supply, just food for thought. Plastic is in very much of food. Plastics that slow down and block neurons are too. What tf is wrong with these companies? Are they paid to do this?
I see...

Oh roids past a small amount actually fuck your shit up. You see, natural t is raised permanently(natural t is related to dick size and nut size and payload) so, taking bb amounts causes fucked up hormones and stupidity of course, T is related to intelligence to an extent.

1/2 of couples trying to have kids have difficulty due to male's quality of sperm

from the male doc's mouth

friend is on meds to help his sperm count or something. His wife's eggs are fine.

hydrogel is literary not harmful and non-reactive. all it does is it blocks your tube. it dissolves in high concentrations of calcium. so all you do is inject calcium once and the barrier disappears.

> you faggots have played your hand
Nope. Never taking anything from the western medical establishment ever again unless I’m acutely injured and death is eminent.

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Yup when it happens to males it's called infertility disease. In woman infertility is part of her cycle.

Electricity producing underground stationary bikes to power self sufficient wheat farms, this is where these people must go if at all possible.

>Vitamin A deficiency isn't a side effect if you openly state that the pill will make you deficient.

Because who needs their immune system when they're having unprotected sex right?

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So they rebranded the vaccine?

Why don't they just spray it in the air or on the food or something? This is total war after all on humanity right?

They need your consent

>it's not harmful or reactive blah balh
don't care I'm never injecting something into my dick or balls that's beyond insane.

>bb amounts causes fucked up hormones but roids past a small amount fuck you up
which is it? lower roid levels good or bad? larger roid levels good or bad? I just think don't go to a point where your levels are supraphysiologic.

If you aren't having sex with your significant other (whom you already want to have babies with) you probably shouldn't even be having sex