Ukrainian father crying as he stays back to fight for his country

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If he has $8000 he can cross the border.

wont let them leave


>He's just an evil Azov neo-nazee

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All the important people already made it out.
He has to go die for globohomo now.

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No. He's a pussy.

Pussy cracker

>zelensky demands his male citizens die horrible in a hopeless war to buy him time
>why would russia do this?

>crying in front of your kids

Powerful. )))

Men must stay behind, it's the law.
All the men. Even those wearing skirts.
Male privilege, everyone.

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Shill and slide thread, jannies nuke this shit.

That's actually a DPR soldier you retards.

Pretty sure this guy is from Donbass or something. He's fighting against Ukraine with the rebels.

>8 years ago.

t. pussy coward

This. You don't want your wife and children's possible last memory of you to be you whimpering like a faggot. Firmly see them off as you hold your emotions in, at least until they're out of earshot


Wrong, the bribe is 150$. Hundreds of thousands of males have already ran.

We all know, they know we know and we know that they know we know. The question is: qui?

dont worry, achmed and suleiman will take care of his family in sweden


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dude knows his wife will be riding BGC in western europe, of course he's crying!!! :'(

Lmao i think he is crying because his wife will become a prostitute and daughter will grow up into one as well.

Do you think russia is there to kill all the ukes or to get some agreements signatures and some maps changed?

Since when does a serb get to call anyone a pussy lmao

Sirs you understand the situation correctly. The man will die and his family will become a family of prostitutes.

Why aren't Syrians, Afghanis or Iraqis seeing this shit?
They fucked off and left their families behind to go rape Swedish and German women.

He's a citizen of DNR or LNR fighting back against the government that bombed his village and killed his family.

Is he gonna suck her dick or what?

Okay Jeez, no need to get so autistic about it. Do you know what he eats for breakfast. Christ.