How to collapse the Jewish financial and imperial system overnight

How to collapse the Jewish financial and imperial system overnight

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Holy based

Shitcoin is the final form of jewish financial systems. You just wait. Before crypto digital currency was considered a dystopian red flag and now you faggots are openly endorsing it. You've been played.

And will China sell them shit for bitcorns?
5d chess

Does anyone have the meme of Russia in 2045 after they’ve banned Netflix, Pornhub and McDonalds?

Please and thank you.

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What was that varg comment responding to?

Fuck knows

Topkek, I wish it was real

using bitcoin would eventually fuck them over, mostly because of how hard it is to steal from normal people.

How is that supposed to work? Do you know *anything* about crypto?

be a big guy 4 u

Now they need only.....ehh...buyers.

Europe is still buying their oil and gas.

yeah until sometime next month, then the snactions they are working on will actually go into effect

if you don't have gas storage tanks, buy some

Smart. Russia started bitcoin as a long term plan to hurt the American economy. Its working very well (: Based russia

>Do you know *anything* about crypto?
Do you?
All cryptobros know jackshit about it or economy either. If you knew then you would realize how stupid it was.

damn based russia is ancap now?

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What happened to Yuan?

Better to choose monero or one of the more modern and secure systems than bitcoin which is more vulnerable than the improved systems. That or a coin system they create.

>Before crypto digital currency was considered a dystopian red flag
It never was until few years ago when seething zerohedge pet rock worshiper boomers out of jealousy started to fud.

No one will ever use bitcoin as a currency is cnbc fucking retarded?

Bitcoin requires currency exchanges in order to be converted into 'real' money. So far they're resisting but it's really easy to shut down an exchange if there's a need to.
Worse yet, all bitcoin transactions are visible for everyone to look at, so in the case of a ban if someone's determined enough they could see where your money are going and easily detect your attempts at money laundering and deny you service.