Destroys his country

>destroys his country

what the fuck is wrong with him?

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Mit műveltek már megint otthon?

people tend to shit on gorbachev for collapsing ussr, but i think gorbachev was the good guy, he only wanted best for ussr, glasnost enabled colossal advancement in tech and economy, but as per typical russian, instead of good intention everything turned out bad. it's the yeltsin that collapsed everything good gorbachev did and whole nation into turmoil into corruption


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Putin is on the side of globohomo.

delete this russophobic garbage

go back to canada mzp, we're not going to war for your jewish games

Putin literally endorses racemixing.
Also, look at the photos of russian soldiers.

Silly monkeys are funny. I like silly monkeys

Putin hates Russia and wants to destroy it. I see no other explanation for his actions.

I never understood the hate for Gorbachev. At least he tried to do something to fix the problems that previous leaders had inflicted. It’s like a ship’s captain being blamed for the ship sinking because he wasn’t capable of dealing wit all the holes that the previous captain had drilled on the boat.

Nothing personal

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Why you are hungry? Maybe you wanna eat?

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yeltsin tried his best, he had too much on his hand, the mafia, oligrachs, chechens, putin just decided that if he made friends with parasites it will be fine Vladimir Putin - "Empire of Lies"

vs KolomolskyZelensky

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He went too far with the Lebensraum

I will never understand who actually decided to give that drunk orang-utan any platform to stand on.
Gorilla tier, fucking ((public opinion)). He tried, we failed, should've listened.

Manlet rage

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Because he weakened the party in the name of democracy and it collapsed the Soviet Union
His intentions were good, but naive
He should have done what China did in those years
Economic reforms wile keeping the party in power

Russia is perfectly self sufficient because of how fucking big it is, and the enormous amount of natural resources
Look at how many countries have long standing American embargoes but haven't collapsed yet
If anything the embargoes strengthen the leaders because the population rightly gets mad at foreign nations using economic terrorism to virtue signal while not caring about ruining people's lives

>putler the mad man!