I really hate waking up early

Politically speaking, I’m supposed to be starting this warehouse job but I gotta wake up at 5 am to be there at 6. What are the political implications of me not showing up ?

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Wtf is test. I’m not showing up.

Discipline equals freedom.

Starting a sentence with “politically speaking” dosent make something political dipshit. Either use a stimulant to get your 18yo ass out of bed like an adult or just don’t fucking go.

We back in this bitch?
Also, check'd and check um

I’m already too late. I refuse to believe waking up early is the only possible way to make a living.

I think it’s discipline plus connections.

Cool now keep this facebook shit off Any Forums

Just go to sleep earlier.

It is political in the sense that by not arriving at your supposed destination at all are taking a stand against modern slavery.

Just go to sleep earlier. All electronics off by 9, in bed by 9:30. No excuses.

Get up! Mr Shekelberg needs you there!

Work night shift, but eventually your hours will adjust and you’ll be back to square one.

>working warehouse jobs
>not taking the night shift
Are you fucking retarded?

Good idea. Electronics always keep me up.
That’s true. If we all stopped trying and being productive they would raise wages and lower hours.

I forgot to ask but I will for my next job

I’m definitely asking for night shift next time
I forgot. They need me to show up so I can make them profit while they pay me just enough for one Big Mac combo a day.

Literally what I am doing. Sadly the amphetamines stop working after a while.

I have a medical test today for a new job and I will work from 2:30 to 10:30
Will be able to sleep as needed