What are the political implications of not being able to see the stars due to light pollution?

What are the political implications of not being able to see the stars due to light pollution?

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move out to the country then and have fun walking out your front door and seeing pitch black for fucking miles.

maybe if you're blind

Isn't going to work for the majority of us in the EU.

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sound like a rushed post and bullshit really.

according to that map most of NY is lit up and I'm from upstate NY. I can tell you right now there's a FUCKLOAD of unlit forests around that motherfucker. Most of it is unlit. even those smaller cities in upstate. NY city is the only one that's like a fucking permanent light show.

Massive EMPs worldwide. Return to the Stone Age. Crack your neighbor’s skull open and feast on the gooey innards.

Lived upstate for a bit, Oswego.
You think you can see stars there, but only because you've never traveled to a place where there isn't a city with more than 5,000 people in it for a hundred miles in any direction.

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You can go anywhere innawoods in Europe and you will not be able to see the stars because of the light polution around you. The light gets reflected across the horizon and even when it's dark there's enough residual light to block out the light from the stars.

In Europe we only ever get to see the brightest stars in the sky.

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how long is a bit? i lived there for like twenty years.

anyways that last part of your post confuses me and I don't know why? where are you implying I haven't been? I've been all over the planet probably more places than you. I am aware that in cities you can't see stars worth a damn but at the moment I cam in a big city and on the outskirts just starting to hit suburbs you can go down a street and it's pretty much pitch black.

I don’t know

the stars are important for human spirituality
blind yourself from them and be existentially miserable

Probably severe, and I've been thinking about a draft or a proposal which would mandate just once every month for one hour, at say like 2am on a monday night or whatever, that all "non-utilitarian" lights (such as street lights and emergency exit lights) be turned off so those who'd like to see the stars would have a chance to do so (you could also stuff in some green eco mumbling if you'd like to). I think this would be pretty reasonable, for all the other hours of the day you can blaze your lights as bright as you want. I just too lazy to actually go forth with the idea. What do you think?

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Once a year would be good enough for the beginning. Making it an event could work.

The sky doesn't look like that at dark sites. It's a high exposure photograph.

Hiding the heavens.

Europe ruined the world

Honestly? It's what stopping us from going full Empire of Mankind and subjugating the universe. No goy! Don't look at the stars! Look at this TikTok dance! Or how about giving some updoots to current thing? Yeeesss. Good goyyyy

They say this is about how it looks without exposure. You can STILL see it.

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Jesus says we're going to inhabit a new heaven and earth, where is no sun or moon or stars.

The same implications to a lot of products of industrial society. We shift away more from the environment we're built to process, towards a dissasociated one with a purpose arbitrary of our own life needs. The "modern" human brain evolved 300,000+ something years ago, far before even basic technologies like the lightbulb which is now as synonomous as the air we breathe. We simply aren't equipt to live in the environment we've created for ourselves, which is ironic; we accomodated for things in life and it created new problems. As we stray further, life becomes more abstract and unfulfilling. Even the basic things, like the beautiful show of stars at night, become lost to time.

Not to this extent in most places but you definitely haven't been in a low light area without shit ass polution

>You can go anywhere innawoods in Europe and you will not be able to see the stars because of the light polution around you.
Are you a mutt with a proxy, or just baiting?

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