If Putin thinks Russia and Ukraine are "one single entity...

If Putin thinks Russia and Ukraine are "one single entity," he should surrender and relinquish his own power to Zelensky. It shouldn't matter who's in charge, they're one single entity, right?

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If someone breaks into your home and rape your wife, just accept that he is her natural husband. Ok bro?

Seriously, I hope jewlensky gets skinned alive.

>iF PuTiN ThInKs rUsSiA AnD UkRaInE ArE "oNe sInGlE EnTiTy," hE ShOuLd sUrReNdEr aNd rElInQuIsH HiS OwN PoWeR To zElEnSkY. iT ShOuLdN'T MaTtEr wHo's iN ChArGe, ThEy'rE OnE SiNgLe eNtItY, rIgHt?

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This is a true brother war caused by jew and Western propaganda to turn Ukrainians against Russians. They are the same fucking thing. Same culture, same language, same history, same ethnicity. This is like if some external power convinced Austria and Germany to go to war. It's literally that much of a brother war. It's the American civil war. A true brother war.

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Why is Any Forums so obsessed with trannies?


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Well, I mean, obviously they need a real election with both Ukrainian and Russian voters. Russian citizens didn't vote for Zelensky after all, but as we all know, it's okay in Ukraine to jail your political opponents, so I suppose we'll just do the election by Ukrainian rules :^)

and like in the Civil War, the jew-backed traitors will lose. Glory to Russia, death to Jewlensky!

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>the true sovereignty of Ukraine is only possible under the influence of Russia

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Lol saved

Because we know that's who you people are, nobody else spends this much time reeeeeeing over us to come and shill here apart from glowies

Putin is fucked in the head, some brother he turned out to be

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ukraine is failed state

>Why is Any Forums so obsessed with trannies?

its in the Russian shill scriptbook, Any Forums is dominated by Russian shills copy pasting from their scripts

>Austria and Germany to go to war
haha yeah imagine

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>this is your brain on autogynephilia

>ukraine is failed state

Russia is a failed Mafia kleptocracy

Without Putin's mafioso rule, they could have been much more prosperous

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>Without Putin's mafioso rule, they could have been much more prosperous
No. Blaming Putin is a farce. Eastern European culture and people are inherently corrupt. You could replace him and the new guy would be even worse. Zelensky is said to have stolen over 1 billion dollars from Ukraine already in 2 years. Everyone in Eastern European government is a beggar or a thief, that's it.

Death to Zelensky, death to jews. Nigger

You will never be a women
But you may win the womens national championship

Austria and Prussia went to war like 30 times, didn't they?