We all agree that the jews were doing the leaping frog effect on us. They gradually made things worse so we didn't "jump". It doesn't feel like that anymore. In 2016 I just simply felt a duty to go online and troll the jews and libs with a deep hatred and often felt like I among few if not alone in most places. Call me crazy but it seems like the trend is being reversed.. its cringe to virtue signal like that now.. anyway.. a bunch of dudes with confederate flags didn't change it. I really believe in Q but want some more stuff to reinforce my beliefs. Post them?

Attached: 180804-qanon-2-al-1515.jpg (2500x1667, 2.32M)

does this help ? it may shed some light and be what you are seeking

Attached: 1600663619541.jpg (500x528, 59.4K)

Q is fake and cope
Z is real
Embrace Z


ill dump what i got , youre welcome

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good luck user i hope this helps

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If you want to piss of the jews just remind them that the vax they took is going to kill them.

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Is anyone what noticing a resurgence in the Qanon thing?

Attached: Screenshot_20220324-202841.png (720x1520, 378.78K)

World War Z has begun.

this i believe is what you are seeking OP , the trith is out there just keep digging freedom fighter

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idk man. the news just keeps repeating. i think we're just stuck in the loop forever :/

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this also may help OP

Attached: 1617843103691.jpg (239x349, 19.42K)

does this help glownigger?

Attached: MV5BNmQ2MDQ5N2ItNzM2Ni00OTI3LTgxZDUtM2M5ZDk2OGJkYmZkXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTA1NzkxNDQ@._V1_.jpg (1189x1080, 202.07K)

>We all agree that the jews were doing the leaping frog effect on us

we all agree that you had a dick in your mouth last night.

this may be what you are seeking OP

Attached: 1617022350166.jpg (732x569, 95.15K)

Actual feds posting obvious outsider memes. We see you. Going into why Q is right and why the movement is important is exhausting since you will be immediately spammed with dozens of insincere replies. Worse than posting literally any other subject.

I think talking about the MaxwellHill Reddit account gets less shills than talking about Q. Dude just MENTIONING Q makes these creeps multiply, nevermind supporting it or not. Like just pointing out that Biden's presidency seems fake or that the election seemed rigged will draw out 20+ shills saying "TRUST THE PLAN 2 MORE WEEKS" even though "two more weeks" is a meme dabbing on covid lockdowns. They're doing the same thing as taking NPC memes and putting MAGA hats on them.

They. Glow.
>pic related, hundreds of articles about lockdowns ending in TWO MORE WEEKS since the start

Attached: two more weeks.png (1155x811, 380.22K)

niggers glowing hard ITT

this may also help OP the answers are here

Attached: 1638240898171.jpg (540x540, 34.47K)

>leaping frog effect
I think you mean they were "slowly boiling us like frogs".

They shifted away from covid HARD like the Ukraine script was all ready to go. And so much shit is fake, I try to save images/videos of the media faking shit whenever I can but nowadays I think it's all "fake" in one sense or another. Events are either directed or simulated to achieve whatever footage they need for their 24/7 world reality film.

Attached: 1.jpg (700x729, 79.56K)

Deal or no deal?:

da joos realize they wont dominate the world by failing to control China Russia and the Norks. They offer you a solution. Zionazism. No more non Whites in Usa and Europe however all Whites must convert to judaism.

"this may be what you're looking for" is not a Any Forums meme or a Any Forums meme or a meme at all. You're trying to force something completely new. KYS faggots. I would still be an OWS leftist if glowniggers didn't coopt it and turned it into trans LGBT nigger self esteem problems. Trying to turn us against Q for having a few retards is like trying to turn us against Occupy Wall Street for being subverted with trannies.