Do men belong in the kitchen?

>The original hunters
>Interested in kitchen appliances and fire
>More willing than women to chop up a cute piggie and serve bacon for breakfast

Which part of cooking screams "WOMEN" to you?

Attached: cook.jpg (500x473, 35.15K)

Dishes. Yet, those roles are reversed. Woman is supposed to be the "help". I dont need help cooking.

I cook better than any woman, I'm faster with a knife and I don't need to look at a recipe all the fucking time. Men who need women to cook for them are just failures. You can teach a woman to cook so that she might feel useful.

Just look up the ratio of Michelin star chefs that are men

>Relying on women for food

Attached: n3l8wiwfx5181.jpg (640x552, 39.91K)

if you know how to cook, you are gay. eggs, frying meat, making a salad - all you need

I only rely on myself, and my frens here for food. Pizza time!

Attached: frensss.png (1218x561, 51.46K)

>Which part of cooking screams "WOMEN" to you?
The part that involves serving and cleaning.

the "stay at home while i go hunt" part

That's cooking, moron.

>making a salad
hahahah faggggg

i'm referring to to faggots ITT who know say shit like "i'm faster with a knife than a woman"
i guess i should rephrase - every person who "knows" how to cook beyond frying eggs or meat or making salads - is gay

i live in cali, and every faggot here "knows" how to cook. they discuss shit like "texture" and "what recipe to use". they also tend to be vegans

a man is supposed to be simple, not a faggot who things that more coriander is needed

Shut up self hating can faggot. I live in Cali, I surf, and make 300k/year. I’ve got a wife, two white kids and can lift more than you. Also, I know how to cook. I guarantee you’re some shut in loser

Lotta small dicks in here

t. chef

using a recipe and knowing how to cook are mutually exclusive. if you KNOW, you don't need one.

smart women are good at following a recipe

If you can't cook a steak to preference for your guests, then you're a degenerate.

your post is fucking hilarious, but i'll bite.

>I surf
everybody knows that only homos/faggots surf nowadays. if you don't know this, you probably started surfing recently.

what an accomplishment

>got a wife and two white kids
hard to believe desu. probably some mutts. enjoy divorce rape

>lift more than you
imagine being such a pathetic loser that that's considered an accomplishment to you. what's more pathetic is that you are probably serious

in any case, thanks for proving my point that people who cook are faggots

How much kg are we talking per dick, no blood

how the fuck do you kids make up this shit?

only if they’re pro chefs, where men are better

My wife does dishes and serving. i cook. She doesn't like cooking, I enjoy it. Everyone is happy.

The mundane and repetitive part of it.
The butchery and grilling part of it seems for men.

You literally type in all lower case letters. You have no right to be calling anyone a faggot, you faggot Zoomer.

I teach my wife to cook the dishes I make. She tends to use too much oil but is getting better