Things are getting bad fast

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not fast enough. i wanted to die 15 years ago.

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Neh it'll be fine. Russia's finally coming to its senses. see:

I have started immediately laying in bed after I get home from school. I have no motivation to do anything anymore. I will shitpost for like an hour and then fall asleep at like 7:00PM and wake up at 7:00AM the next morning and do it all over again.

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>Things are getting bad fast
I'm betting they going to lose and I'll be happy

Big changes in your life are coming. When you sleep like that its a sign.

>things are getting bad.
When things get better It'll finally be time to sell in this everything-rocket crypto market. Every crypto has seen a 60 plus or minus 50 percent gain in the last 5 days.

Just wait until the Americans that are living paycheck to paycheck can’t afford food anymore. The big ones on its way. Wheat prices have tripled, fertilizer has quadrupled. Famines on its way.

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Good. Accelerate. Fuck everything

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I think I'm just emotionally drained from failing midterms in multivariable calculus and solid mechanics. I'm a fucking brainlet and I might not be able to finish engineering school.

That's going to be the Big Happening. Normies cannot "wake up' and, even if they did, they'd be socially atomized like Any Forums is. It's going to take hunger for people to do what they should've done years ago.

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Its a matter of perspective dear boy. This are just “getting good”.

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This, its going to be breaking point for america

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Just apply the rules bro its easy

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Bitcoin should have had trolleys the same timescale and there should be 2023 where both trolleys are empty.

I hope so user. Hard to buy or sell food at the farmers market with Bitcoin.

i never really thought i would live to see this card played. good times

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What’s btc store of value?

Vs say gold and precious metals and diamonds emeralds etc?

It has been for awhile pay attention user

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Step it up. I’m like 10 hours/day and haven’t worked in months, but I have money so it’s ok on the finance front.