
What is the general atmosphere there now?

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Full of glowies and hohols

Nothing, you hear way more ukrainian/russian on the streets (honestly can't tell difference)

And of course economy will to shitter because of all of this

Covid restrictions are lifted in 95%, so good.
More than 2m Ukrainians fled here in the last month, so most of the discourse is around accommodation and help for them and ones that stayed.

Things like that are happening almost every other day

The majority of effort is around making sure they have a place to stay and work here.

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Hoholmania from the politicians and many people
People talking about obvious problems from taking 2 million people are called russian trolls


BTW look at these little Nazi pricks. No wonder brave soldiers from the Russian Army are shelling their homes.

More dead whites=win over gllobohomo. At least that's what Any Forums told me.

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Seething mostly, judging by online activity

This is called mob mentality.

I know that feel, we had the same but not with hohols

Any Forums isn't online activity it's just trolling and making fun.

There is a one pollack posting provocative threads and he always gets 100 of butthurt responders from international low IQ community so he repeats its every 6 hours or so.

You guys are like children, no wonder Jews have played west and dominated them with your tricks, you're lower IQ than anyobody would anticipate.

who gives a shit man, did it cut into your video game time or something?

>And of course economy will to shitter because of cheap workforce looking for jobs
Who taught you economics?

Won't be good for your wages tho

it sounds like you never had a single original thought in your life.

Fantastic, insightful opinion. You should be an advisor in foreign affairs.

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Polish people are too paranoid to ever be the same welcoming to brown people.

People are this much welcoming to ukrainians because many migrant workers already lived here and nobody complained much about them so they know them and didn't see it as too much of a burden

it will be shit for Polish workers, maybe good for business owners that can now hire 10 Ukrainians for lower wages
It will result in another wave of Polish emigration most likely so western euros brace yourselves

Only the media and lefties still support hohols invading Poland.
The real people working real jobs, doing grocery shopping etc. still hate putin, but putin is somewhere far away. Meanwhile every day they see and hear about more and more gibs going to those leeches while paying more and more for everything themselves. Shit's completely fucked up and it's only gonna get worse.

Not too much of a change
More ukrainian qts willing to eat a fattie
Went from rambling about coronavirus 24/7 to rambling about war 24/7
Any Forums:
We march on Moscow

Absolute retard.
It will lower wage growth because of overcompetition (also lots of ukies won't go back to their home anytime soon and probably ever)
The rent will skyrocket - forcing young poles to be confined to their parents house and almost unable for students to find accomodation.

Population quailing in terror as their bought out leaders march them into the maws of war in return for retirement homes in Maine.

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The media make me sick. It's Ukraine on the news, Ukraine in the ads... literally everywhere. Same thing repeated over and over again, you'd think there's nothing else going on anywhere in the world.

I hope ukros completely take up all the gibs, so that all the hambeasts relying on gibs starve to death

Covid got memory holed. Nobody talks about it, because the media forgot about that psyop.

Poles, who before the war would enjoy openly complaining about Ukrainians, are now obsessed with helping Ukranians and hating on Russia.

Good luck finding a flat in these times.

This, even my fucking gym cuts in between some intresting stuff on tv with "we stand with ukraine" shit or even fucking voiced annoucments about it
I dont care you fucking Niggers, im here to have a good time

Make something happen then cunt

Blame your government not the people you absolute retard.

Maybe it's even smart, when the next refugee flood comes, you can say "look, we already took in millions of ukrainians" and send the brownies to the baltics instead.

They do hold a value in cash though.
how bout a little human trafficking?

>The rent will skyrocket - forcing young poles to be confined to their parents house and almost unable for students to find accomodation
This is a problem for me. In my entire fucking city there's only 2 pages of apartment for rent ads, and the rent seems to have went up. Should I rent whatever is available now? I need an apartment for the next academic semester. Or should I wait?

there was actually quite a bit of sentiment towards russia before the war, but now it's all gone with the media coverage showing shelling of civilian commie blocks.
general atmosphere seems chill as fuck considering that there are bombs falling 40kms from our border.

nah, most people whose oppinion matters support helping Ukrainians, only gibs parasites are worried.

or send them to western Europe.
Most of them would prefer that anyway.

I spat on the Hohol flag recently and I shit on them on the Polish internet all day. Seriously GTFO of Poland you child murdering pigs. Russians were never murdereing Polish children but Ukrop pigs were. I hope Putin nukes you.

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that will definitely seal off the EU migrants case, but refugees are still a burden no matter the ethnicity

My wages will not be affected by whatever work the Ukrainians can perform.

Finally a based Pole who isn't cucking out to Ukrainians. Most people nowadays seem content with licking Ukranian butt. It is revolting, considering what happened in the past.

>Russians were never murdering Polish children
Nigger what
Are you mentally retarded or are you just a kacap with proxy?

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If your international competition on the job market are Ukrainian housewives, then I have bad news for you.
Git gud at something a Natasha can't do?

in my shithool pretty normal, covid bullshit ended in media. ppl only complain about fuel prices

It will be good for gubber mint and Januszex because the former can now print money that 2 mln more consoomers will spend at the latter

It's called not being a fucking retard. Ukraine was economically wasted and it will be even more so after the war. They are retards the same as we have been for a long time, but making them the main enemy when the fucking kacaps have been the biggest pain in our arse the past 5 centuries is simply idiotic.

theyre like chihuahua talking a lot of shit to the big dogs and then tuck it tail when shit gets real.

I hope Poland and the Polish people head towards total dissolution soon.

Retarded is poking a bear, thinking that one can win a fight against it. That is what dumb Poles like you have been doing since the begin of this conflict: provoking Russians. As if Poland had what it takes to defeat such a giant.

Kill yourself.

The question is: will ukros go back? Their gibs supposedly run out in 2 months, and I doubt Natashas who cant even speak polish will be able to work anywhere

Right now they want to go to a war with nuclear superpower with their shitty WW II guns, 1960s vehicles and jets and German army surplus tanks. And all of that for Ukraine who hates Poland and Poles. Polacks really are dumb.

Yes, but not even Sweden is so enthusiastic about it anymore. There would be an interest to outsource the problem to countries that depend on EU money, they won't refuse.

Why wouldn't they, being a maid in hotel isn't really a job requiring much of language skills.

How about move to where there are more apartments?