How come I can't bring myself to hate Jews irl?

Attached: Well?.jpg (1000x982, 71.95K)

You're a coward and you're comfortable

Most of us are

Not every single jew on earth is guilty but they all have bad qualities.

I'm not a coward. I hate Jews with a passion. I have called some kikes in their faces. I have called niggers "nigger" in their faces. I am 6'3 and buff so almost all of these confrontations just result in the nigger/kike backing down. But in general, I get along with Jews I meet irl. They are kind to me and even invite me to events, parties, dinners, etc. I understand the JQ but I don't actually hate these people like I do online.

Have you met one that molested his own 7 year old daughter? You don't hate him?

Not that I know of. If I did meet a chomo I would make sure no one would ever meet him again.

Because you don't Actually know what and who they are, and how disgusting their mafia clique truly is, you've just read a few memes here and there. Take it from someone who grew up in a certain community, they are intentionally subversive in ways that you aren't gauging, because you are a trusting goyim who is looking for reasons to be duped.

Because you are probably a jew shill,or just blind to the problems of the world

I get the sense that they're playing on my overall trusting/good nature. I can see how my default open-mindedness could be taken advantage of by them. How do I guard myself against it? What is the proportion of truly good jews? Is there a way to decide if one is good or not?

ashkenazi/kazharian sionists are the bad guys

I do not think I am blind, and I am not a kike. I even got a genetic test done to verify that I have 0% kike blood (not a single part of a drop even). I understand what the kikes are doing overall to the world and how they hate Whites. It's just when I get out in public, I tend to get along with them for some reason. It could be they are just melding with my naïveté, or taking advantage of my White nature.

>good jews
If they were "good" they would cease participating in their mafia "religion". Now that is not to say that the Jews are all evil intentionally, most just pay lip service to hating Christ and goyim at large, but you must understand that insofar as lesser jews have morals, they are centered around a mafia methodology that does not allow them moral clarity. The best guard against these things is simply understanding that they are jews, and to do your best not to copy or glorify their behavior, Even if one is your favorite comedian or whatever.

Kikes are master manipulators and you're confused how they manipulate you with some simple kindness to your face? Did you expect them to start rubbing their hands and pick pocketing you right away? Or maybe lure you in with lies and false flattery? Like the other user said you don't really know these kikes. You just have small talk with them and see only 1 dimension. Be smarter please.

Thanks for the advice.

I have had long-term exposure to some of them, and they consistently were nice to me. I did pick up on them being subversive at some points. Whenever I meet a new kike, he's for some reason nice to me. Some of them have even done favors for me. He might also be trying to find out if I'm Jewish or not (I'm not). I do admit that I am slightly naïve and overly trusting. How can I temper my "gullible goy" mentality if I meet one in public that's nice to me? I will say that some of the Jews I have met who grew up under Soviet times seem to have less of a sense of tribal cohesion, and seem to assimilate better with goyim.

Most of the kikes are just normal people, you don't need to hate them, you know

you’re victim of the ‘not all..’ psyop

Cuz you are a stupid faggot

Their disarming neurotic charm is an evolutionary defense mechanism. It's all bullshit.

Was your penis mutilated at birth?

Attached: Jews involved in circumcision lobbying.jpg (755x863, 297.7K)

At the end of the day, they would fuck you over in a New York minute if it was for the tribe 's benefit. Doesn't mean you can't superficially be friends. Just know they will never be all the way down for you.

>hating any actual person irl
Cringe and un-Aryan

>understanding that differences exist between races, and racial dynamics lead to certain groups pushing political agendas that are at odds with other groups’ interests
The way to go. As long as you factually understand the situation, you’re good.