Best case scenario for South Africa is that we become a Chinese colony

Best case scenario for South Africa is that we become a Chinese colony

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Woah checkum

Anyone know the name of this vid? I've seen clips, but never the name or the whole thing.

The Chinese will not be kind.

Empire of Dust

Empire of Dust. You can find the documentary on Youtube. It is definitely worth the watch.

empĂ­re of dust

empire of dust

Better than niggers.


Attached: sexypattycake_1901030041.jpg (861x1178, 295.4K)

What an unnerving photo

You think the chinks will keep you and not the nig slave labor? The Chinks look up to the jews for their business handlings.

Ill be out of the country by then anyway.

You don't think it's worth fighting for? Not being rude just trying to understand.


It's a hopeless battle. South Africa stands as a cautionary tale to the White race.

I've always thought with your grit South Africa could be only one of the white countries saved.

Hell ya it's gunna be funny watching all those bug people get A.I.D.S

chinks just basically strip resources, build gated sanctuary cities and that's it.
There's one town in africa who drink mercury water because chinks over-mined for gold in the river

you cumskins are just as stupid as niggers, China doesn't want to colonize any country and deal with subhumans. We just come and take your resources nonviolently, and then leave. You may get some bridges or a train in return