Math is racist now

Math is racist now

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always has been

nigga idk what sin or cosin is thas white ppl shit

Believe me they know how to sin and they are all cousins

Clown country.

It's not sin to sleep with cosin
White people math

This is a joke?

This is seriously?

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>is the periodic table homophobic?
>is the third law of thermodynamics misogynistic?

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The USA will never return to the moon


??? Proof we ever went?

Wrong. It's ableist since I am retarded at math and the (((state))) forces me to learn it.

Maths be racis yo.

Germany went. American engineers contributed almost nothing to the Apollo program.

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At this rate we won't be able to spell moon.

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Niggers stupid. News at six

Please Putin, send the nukes already and end this odyssey

You should know about cos b

Why do you twitter niggers always crop out the date or greentext your links?

Well maybe it's not racist but it definitely favors whites due to their access to education. Minorities just don't have that privilege.

Then explain asians

>students of color
Indians and asians don’t