Nonwhites vote Democrat because there are tangible benefits for doing so

Nonwhites vote Democrat because there are tangible benefits for doing so

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I can’t wait for economic and war. All nonwhites will flee like in Ukraine.

I hate colored people so much. I am so sick of the bs they push with shit like this.

Not only math, but writing and reading now? Niggers are stupid fucking animals.

Fuck I hate nonwhites so much. Goddamn they fucking ruin everything

Democrats and liberals are complete garbage and the scum of humanity.

But libshit liberal whites enable it. They're garbage also.

You mad subhuman whites?

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No, most of them vote Democrat because they've been taught the other side is racist.

Yes, and the reason Republicans are bleeding whites is because there is no tangible benefits for whites voting for them in most states

I hate liberal whites almost as much

Trump got 56% of the white vote in 2016 and 57% in 2020 and 65% are going to vote GOP in 2022 if we take polling at it’s face right now


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No, Trump lost white voters, especially white men in 2020. You're counting spics as white.

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100% cope.

I mean, maybe. But Democrats expand welfare and social structures that put money directly from our pockets into theirs. So yes, they incentivized to vote Democrat. Republicans do this as well, though. We live in a niggerocracy, and all policies ultimately spiral into the undertow of nigger caretaking.

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This is literally from one of Trump's personal pollsters

Trump got 56% of the white vote in 2016 Clinton got 37%. Trump got 57% of the white vote in 2020. Biden got 42%.

Let's talk about "fragility", huh!?

idiocracy in action
China won, GG EZ

How do you goofballs expect to get a decent job or degree if you can't even do basic reading, writing or math?

>Nonwhites vote Democrat because there are tangible benefits for doing so

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>Trump got 56% of the white vote in 2016 and 57% in 2020

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I'm Asian, so I'm White in America.

>Trump got 56% of the white vote in 2016 Clinton got 37%. Trump got 57% of the white vote in 2020

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He gained 3% of white female votes (mostly those in their 40's/50's) but lost 4% of white male votes. Hillary only had 31% of the white male vote in 2016 but Biden got 40%. Trump's white male vote went from 62% to 58% and it was particularly pronounced in northern states where they wanted more economic leftism + social conservatism, those northern/midwestern voters are the descendants of old school socialists and Trump effectively ran on that in 2016. He instead governed as a regular conservative and promptly lost them.

Most of his white voter gain came from the south where they have to get more whites out to vote to hold off the rising black population. Looking toward the future, the Republicans and Trump made a big mistake by not focusing more on northern whites that could've became red states in the near future. Instead his gains in states like Michigan came from cities like Detroit. The Republican strategy now is to maximize the hispanic and anti-woke nonwhite vote which is why they'll continue to lose white males especially. Some Democrats will catch onto this in the wake of losing spics

As can be seen here, Trump actually won 58% of the White vote in 2016 and 2020, but the White vote went from 70% of the vote to 67% of the vote, with Whites providing him 40.6% of the total vote in 2016 and 38.9% of the total vote in 2020.

Because those races are inferior to whites.

Likewise, it can be seen that Trump lost 2% of both White make and female votes; 63% of White male vote falling to 61%, 55% of White female vote falling to 53%.

>Looking toward the future, the Republicans and Trump made a big mistake by not focusing more on northern whites that could've became red states in the near future.
lol nigger you think they give a fuck about holding power?If so, you really dont understand US politics.

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