I used to think no one wants to work was a meme

I used to think no one wants to work was a meme

Union Chad here. In my Midwest town the average salary is about $30k/yr, my company is currently struggling to fill 5 entry level positions that dont require a degree, starts at $29/hr with increases written into the contract that guarantees a wage of over $37/hr within 2 years. With profit sharing a high school dropout would be guaranteed to make over $80k/yr before overtime. We cant fill these positions.

Burerbros, were ngmi are we

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No. Everyone is fucked.

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Actually, white, slave-owning entrepreneurs built the United States of America. (And that's a good thing.)

What exactly is the job?

>slave-owning entrepreneurs
Like Jeff Bezos?

>telling 4chins where you work

user, I..

He didn't ask the company name. He asked what the job entails you dopey cunt.

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I stack things on a pallet then put those pallets on a truck when theyre full

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Wow. Forklift operators are paying that much? I'm in the wrong line of work!

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unions are a fucking joke. they breed laziness, entitlement, and a lack of accountability. every union shop i've set foot in is dirtier and less efficient than it's non-union counterpart.

Union forklift operators in select industries*

Any Forums is objectively wrong about unions. If youve ever seen someone shilling against unions theres a 100% chance theyre a kike.

Go away faggot boomer this isn't your blog. Answer the question or fuck off.

They're calling them Bezos Babies (tm). You're not supposed to do that with the help.

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See? is a kike thrown into an uncontrollable seething rage at the mere thought of his employees having a decent standard of living

>Any Forums is objectively wrong about unions. If youve ever seen someone shilling against unions theres a 100% chance theyre a kike.
Which is sad. You don't know what you got until it's gone. Sadly, this company is vehemently anti-union and has paid dividends to the company!

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>buying an LV bag and an iphone pro while working in a fucking walmart
retards deserve poverty

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He's Underage (yellow badge). Let the faggot nigger have his spending money. It aint like he ain't got no other financial obligations.

Walmart user, is that you?

>union chad
Union faggot, your union is worthless now.
>Wonders why there's a labor decrease
The companies won't hire more, but will put the ad out, because you fuckers gained too much power and now are going to shut down your facilities and move to a right to work state.
>were ngmi are we
Get rid of the fucking unions and bring them back when things start to get bad again then we will, otherwise? No. The fact I can't even plug in my fucking tools without a damned electrician is union cronyism.

Seething contractor who makes half as much as his union counterpart detected

>shilling against unions theres a 100% chance theyre a kike.
Fuck no. There's a 100% chance they're a small business owner trying to get ahead. I can't even take state contracts, nor can I afford pay prevailing wage. A fucking sprinkler fitter should not be paid $30/hr. This hurts local business, and lets big corporations walk all over me.

Unions were need at one point, and were great until they became infiltrated by Marxist Jews. Go ahead and jerk off to your Guevara poster you fucking communist.

the thing about unions is that in the minds of tards it's close to communism, which is a bit like saying water is a communist beverage. the problems start when unions get infiltrated by commies and commie-contrarians, that's to say trojean horse anti-commies trying to destroy unions and of course corruption. But yes for a long time Unions were a safeguard against any extremity, protected the America that they built.

This. Im a union member in my machine shop and we arent allowed to fuck with anything that isnt our job even if i can solve 99/100 problems on my own. Over paid and underworked but truthfully many people wouldnt be able to hold jobs without unions. I look at many coworkers that have been here 20+ years and wonder how they manage to file taxes. Or find their way home most days. Thats just the older crowd. The youngins have no understanding of the basics and no desire to either. Blind leading the blind while the def make honking noises about going the wrong way

Yes it's me. What's going on, lil'man? I haven't been feeling that well. Must be the new covid variant... just started therapy last week and am on Lexapro... just existing now as I always have been...

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Jesus Christ learn a trade or go to school for some qualifications. You are a demoralizing person, your posts never fail to depress me.

yeah definitely a drawback, when the warehouse gets an extra shipment close to closing for the day, instead of being able to say "hey fuck it, i'll do the extra 20 minutes and leave for the day, what kind of a retard would leave this on the loading bay in the rain? i'm not even going to calculate the ramifications for tomorrow or the week" you get a call from the Union rep "user, you didn't work past the clock did you? listen here you fuckwit this is serious! blah blah blah 2000 word essay about the working man. you got that!?!"

you probably live in the south faggot. skilled trade unions don't even tolerate members from being late to work. now if you're talking unskilled labor unions or public sector unions like teachers, mail carriers, or government officials, I would agree. public sector unions should not be a thing.

Walmart man demoralized? Say it ain’t so.

that's arguably even more retarded - teach your kid to buy what are basically top of the line/luxury goods for the little, hard-earned money that he has. I could kinda sorta understand the phone, but a fucking fashion item with next to zero utility?
It's no wonder that every financial guru targeting american audiences to "help you get your financial situation in order" starts with common sense shit like "pay off your credit card". Like not even "stop getting into debt you fucking clown" - just pay it off on time lol. It seems like every retard and their dog is up to his ears in debt on things he can't afford and doesn't need and it's considered normal. I know i'm projecting but it seems there's something there.

It also killed it. I know the undersecretary to the president of the UAW. It’s a political scam and slush fund now vs how it started.

>Jesus Christ learn a trade or go to school for some qualifications.
There's no guarantee of work. 2008 punctuated this fact.

I mean. I just got done doing this "active shooter" video. Guess who they chose as the model: an angry white male.
>You are a demoralizing person, your posts never fail to depress me.
Life's like that.

He ain't even 18. He ain't go no debt. If Blackie chan in my photo wants to stick around for the free college the company owns, that's his prerogative.

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