28 days of war

>28 days of war
>Kiev is still controlled by Ukraine

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It's over

It's Kijów

Its Kyef
And also who tf told you faggots that they will blitz the capital in 2 days? US intelligence thats who. Fucking retards

define controlled

Even Pentagon admits Russia is holding back for negotiations

Its kyke

Umm. It was your god king le baste savior Putin himself.
Your cope is getting out of hands.


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Putin talked about 2 weeks

Pentagon says Russia is not negotiating seriously at all, and just trying to buy time to get their shit together lmao. Typical Russoid technique to just spew lies so fast nobody has time and effort to correct then all.

inb4 i get called a russia loving fag, are wars not usually long events?

Taking Xyñ was never the plan.

Its not a war.

I apologize for all of Brazil for OP
He is clearly a jew from Rio who enjoys prolonged suffering of innocents as jews are wanton to do

can someone provide a fucking link to that. Can be in russian. Ive heard that but never once seen any proof he said anything close to that.

Reported to the FSB


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They could, but that'd cause millions of civillian deaths, something the USA did not so long ago.

wow how long did it take the entire world combined to take berlin

2 days? 3 days?

keef woods

>28 days of "losing"
>Russia still advancing and making gains.

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it took the u.s 3 weeks to take baghdad from the other side of the world using less troops than russia is using right now.

seethe and cope nigger.

2 weeks and 2 days


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Russia is there to liberate Donbass from nazis retard.

It's Kyuf

They aren’t though


21 years of war, Kabul still controlled by the Taliban.