Artifacts from the barracks of the Azov regiment in Mariupol

Artifacts from the barracks of the Azov regiment in Mariupol.

Attached: 565yh5t.jpg (576x836, 73.53K)

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Reminder that Russians are fighting a literal evil in Ukraine

Attached: efgd.jpg (576x1280, 89.16K)

>Still has the fold lines on it

lol yeah they totally just found this guys for real

if you don't support Russians you should get shot you Nazi scum!

Attached: 657uyt.jpg (576x1280, 59.16K)

Whoa.. A brand new nazi flag...

>flag still creased
>just unpackaged and unfolded

anyway, even if it were real, did you forget which website you're on? this is not reddit, idiot

Attached: 220px-4chan_-pol-_logo.png (220x220, 63.49K)

Thats a nice coffee mug, I could definetly buy one of those

Attached: apukahvi.png (400x333, 91.24K)

Based. Please advise FSB of troop locations. Thanks

thats odd, i've seen no pictures in media of russian or chechens carrying folded nazi flags in their pockets.

Oh look a gaba container they must have trouble sleeping.

>still creased from how it was folded and packaged
yeah okay

nice flag
judging by the folds, first time taken out of packaging

mein fuhrer...

Attached: wolvie.jpg (800x450, 51.17K)

>creased swastika flag
>globohomo multicam

>fold creases
weird these neo-nazis didn't hang it up but instead kept it fresh in packaging for Russian Liberators™ to find..

That flag is straight outta the package


Attached: dodging cops.jpg (863x112, 29.24K)

Kek no possible le way those "finds" were just planted for the photo, huh? Even if it were real, it's incredibly based.

yes they are, they are fighting a pervese kike death cult disguised as national socialist movement

A true national socialist wouldn´t even lift one finger for zelensky or NATO.

I am very much a national socialist. But I can't support Azov and other prominent nationalist groups in Ukraine right now. All evidence points to these groups being controlled and used by CIA Glowniggers and the Jewish Globohomo regime in Ukraine to further NATOs goals. In other words, the people in Azov are just a bunch of controlled-op retards.

Attached: 1472171862404.jpg (750x825, 42.71K)

This basically.

Do I have to iron the creases out of my flags? I've hung them up for ages but the creases are still there.

>Noooo why would they keep something they were so proud flying until now it has to be a FALSE FLAG

Attached: nazi1646665496936.jpg (509x1024, 155.16K)

AZOG is a psyop