Just caught my girlfriend at her apartment snorting coke with some rando. Why are modern women so fucking untrustworthy...

Just caught my girlfriend at her apartment snorting coke with some rando. Why are modern women so fucking untrustworthy? Does the ride never fucking end with these demons?

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Just drop that loser and don't get upset about her. Better this way than 5 years from now.

One up her.
Snort meth with some rando.

You mean your ex-girlfriend, user?

3D women are past the point of no return.

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So go and do coke with some random girl and let her walk in on you?

she 100% fucked the rando btw
drop her ass immediately and ignore any and all attempts she makes to dissuade you from making your decision, because she's also a 100% lying whore.

sorry to hear it, she just wasn’t the one

Get rid of her. Don’t expect too much from women. They WILL disappoint you.

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Drop her bro. Coke girls are nasty in my experience

Go on a meditation retreat

Disgusting. Redpill her on Pepsi instead

I would rape the guy in front of her on the spot and then kill her

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i knew this girl who would snort ketamine every time she came over. She sucked dick like a porn star though, total degenerate however I blew her off because I didn't want to get AIDS. I am a degenerate but I have my limits.

Get rid of her, coke heads are the worst

I hate femoids

came to post this. there's absolutely no chance they're not fucking

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>snorting coke
Wasting time with junkies. Jesus, get some self respect you fucking faggot

Modern men treat women as their partners instead of their property
That’s why she cheats on you

If she thought interacting with other men could mean you beat her then she wouldn’t do it
But in turn you also have to make her feel safe with you

With modern testosterone levels this is pretty hard, she will see you as a weakling child

Let me help you

Maybe u need to score some blow then faggot

break up with her immediately and never look back. sorry for your lots

Probably this

Glorious Cirno victory

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I don't mind. I do drugs too, I also drink and smoke a lot. The funny thing is that if you do it more than the other person, the other person will in turn stop you.

drop her before u spend rest of life in jail over rage moment she already set as her final destination

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Women are morally incontinent and man is forbidden to steer them correctly anymore.

She must be quite wealthy to be taking cocaine. I have just read about it and it appears cocaine is mostly used by the middle class and above. It is also a federal offense from the information that I am processing. I was over at a girls place and her boyfriend walked in as we were doing lines, just after she sucked me off. It was hot.

I hope you appreciate me winding you up enough for you to dump her user

>the other person will in turn stop you.
Nothing can stop me. I'm party juggernaut.

No, the ride won't stop until we take away women's right to vote and that won't happen until our civilization collapses and millions of people die.

Buckle up. Women are whores and always have been whores. That's why wife beating should be legal and encouraged.

Killing niggers and anime girls is all I need

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why are they both still alive

You just know she paid rhe coke in flesh

It was a nigger wasn't it

You caught your ex.
You have no gf.
You have nothing to talk over with her.
I hope you don't live together if you do pack things and leave.

God speed user you dont need drugies and cheaters.

>why are they both still alive
They shared their coke. On a side note, he should see if he can get a ménage à trois
going. Dirty coke sex is the best.

>It was a nigger wasn't it
Checked. The hint was in rando, and the longer OP doesn't say, the higher the probability

>It was hot.
Shut up you dymbass fucking bitch, your whoredom is disgustig not hot.

I'd rather go to mexico again and get robbed by a gang of tranny hookers than read this normal driven trying to sound cool thread. God, they werr so hot.

American women are whore.

After 4 years of addiction I haven't done coke in three month now.
Am I out of it yet?

Found the fucking nigger in the thread


Checked right back. Kek doesn't lie

Notice how the fuck boy just abandons the whore to her fate? These are the types of men women cheat with: cowards who only want a quick nut and nothing else. The men they cheat on would give up everything for her and she rewards him with infidelity.

Fucking whore got what she fucking deserved.

Well, ginger is an anagram of "nigger."