last one died

To summarize last thread, Eric Dubay is among us, and he is a total faggot who is commenting about how great he is on Any Forums

Attached: 1280px-Orlando-Ferguson-flat-earth-map_edit.jpg (1280x881, 550.31K)

Other urls found in this thread: dave explains flat earth dave explains flat earth

Everything here is absolute gold and debunks any and every flat earth proof I have seen people use. Please enjoy

30 degrees is 30 degrees, it doesn't matter how big "x" is, the hypotenuse will always be 2x.

Attached: same size moon.png (500x333, 5.72K)

But the earth is not flat. it is curved. Therefor, at some point, B would be curved. Therefor, a Pythagorean that has straight simple a^2+b^2=c^2 isn't representative of a curved earth.
That's why that equation is wrong. Tell me where my logic is wrong.

I mean segment AB would be curved*

It doesnt matter that the earth is curved, you are only taking into consideration the two points and a straight line between them. What if you used two mountain tops with a valley beneath. It would also be curved, but the direct distance from a to b is all that matters.

Still very different

Attached: different.jpg (1518x780, 116.87K)

>Another boring Earth-is-not-round meme.

Attached: 1520686548923.png (1889x2666, 243.3K)

It matters because the 30 degree angle is from the horizon. If the world were flat then the moon would appear twice as big to someone standing at A than to someone at B, because point B is twice as far away from the moon as point A.
Whereas on a round earth the lines from A and B to the moon are parallel (because their respective horizons are on different planes), so it makes perfect sense that the moon would be the same size for both of them.

What does the earth look like from space?
I guess we'll soon know when the new telescope starts operating.
Are you excited about that prospect flerffers?

Concave Earth

The earth became round. The truth is within the plateaus we see around the world that are actually the stumps of "world trees" which were massive trees that snapped under the weight of gravity when the world was made into a sphere.

Attached: Yggdrasil.jpg (896x999, 185.14K)

Where are you getting this from?

Take it to /X, you stupid nigger jew


the theory is stupid but this would make a cool snow globe

The earth is a magnetized atmospheric chamber that takes the shape of a torus, it maintains a flat 3 dimensional plane that looks like a ball when viewed high enough and directly from y axis

I want more of this. One of my favorite things about flat earth theories is taking the bullshit they feed you and then turning it into a sci-fi story. This looks like it has some cool stuff about it

Attached: 1636106507776.jpg (750x894, 451.25K)

That's why I look into it. It's some fucking sci-fi fantasy bullshit and it's fun. Even in Lord of the Rings the planet was canonically flat until it was made into a sphere so the gods could make it difficult for anyone but elves to get to Valinor or some shit.

>elves are the chosen ones

The earth is the shape of Hitler's face

Attached: 1505688790193.gif (700x427, 3.74M)

Quite a number of years ago I could receive messages from God in my dreams and when I asked about Earth and space he told me we’re the only populated planet. He also told me we’re in no danger of running out of oil and that carbon dioxide was the least of our climate problems. It came as a shock to me since I believed fully in aliens, space travel, global warming. I wouldn’t be surprised if the earth was flat. They sure as fuck lied to us about everything else.