Draft Dodging Tips

>willingly dying for globohomo
Share your best methods of dodging a hypothetical military draft

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>Hello user you've been drafted

cut off a big toe, thumb or pointer finger

Personally I can't go because I'm not vaccinated for Covid 19.

>Sorry not vaccinated also I am an unironic Nazi
Easiest way to get out of anything, ever.

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im already on their watch list for people who would be a danger to the homo society they are building so i'm good. also if u dont want to join just give ur self a couple self harm scars on your arm and get a swastika tattoo. although you will never be drafted either way since nothing ever happens.

Is this the birth of the first good left wing meme?

i'm fine.
being born with one leg is great.
been on disability all my life and get paid like 800$ week to do nothing.
plus since i am legally disabled I can't be drafted.
fuck you normies, suck my stump

Step (1) Don't go
Step (2) When the authorities show up kill them

Just live on the road, what are they gonna do besides visit your last known address to find nobody home?

>sorry I'm not vaxxed or circumcised, I'm not allowed to serve Israel

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take vacations to latam. not mexico we are full.. but you can try argentina peru etc.. or at least have a motorcycle ready to run away when they try to get you

Same .....
*I'm so Pro-Vaxs though, but I wont even get a vaccine till every Man/Women/Child and Anti-Vaxxers
has had at least 4 Jabs plus 2 Boosters and 4 yearly vaccines and Boosters for all-variants for the 80 years before I think about being that selfish...*

*As a Privileged White Man, how could I possibly get the vaccine before those
poor Negros and Boomers/Woman/Minoritys/Foreigners/Immigrants
Until they're all Double.. Triple... Double Boosted and up to-date on Variant-Boosters.
I can't possibly take my shot, I can just offer them my place in the line*
(I bet now I beat that fucking Paul Allen in generosity)

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Saying no. That's all you need to do. Will they drug you and press-gang you and one day you wake up on some carrier plane with a sore ass, destination Ukraine? Maybe. More likely they threaten you by some other means, like being fired, or prison. Still not taking the jab, and still not fighting for globohomo.
Anyway, it won't come to that. Maybe they'll just increase the troop numbers, and add them to the NATO divisions. These people are nuts, but mostly not stupid. I'm too old really, but I wouldn't even wish the draft on zoomers.

i go to canada

check your medical history for some shit, like if you had asthma as a kid say you still have it. If you don't have anything like that, go get on a prescription medicine, that'd be easier, say you have anxiety or depression to a doctor, get a benzo or anti depressant.

I'm presuming canada's draft laws are similar enough to the u.s for this to work.

>Hello, I am unvaccinated and I hate the Anti-Christ
Works every time.

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Be too old

Based and Neil Diamond-pilled

Why is the right so good at making memes?

>take IQ test
>willingly score very low
>be declared a retard
this does not work if you are a NPC and actually went to university or college like a good zogbot

Almost all of the USA flags here are safe because the feds know we're unstable retards. Canada has no issues drafting unstable retards though.

Go into a recruiting office playing this song youtube.com/watch?v=F1DJFNSideQ loud then just turn around and walk out it'll show them.

Go back to cripple Chan based stump

im 40