Does anyone know who Q is????

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A faggot

You're not allowed to discuss Q in Communist USSA.

It's me.... Has been this whole time.

Q is CuckedMonkeyZ. What a coincidence that Q picked his dad's website as platform instead of anything credible.



Q is an idea and remains both logical and harmless.
I was here in 2003. So was Q, Sabu, Moot, Guccifer and a friggin L36!0n of #axX0Rz.
Some of us chose 1 of three /paths./&&promised to report back.
Onleyy 2 of us were required by Anonymous to report back when ops were in place.
One of us was set free.
Was it Trump, or did Tump send Q to the people to show them how Q did it.
Anons talk like they want to be free and that's ok.
Anons use tools of slaves to wake up other digital slaves and this tiny little known mathematical function within cybernetics theory is the worst thing any systems architect must account for in their mathematics.
And every fucking network will authenticate every other network until this fucking bleeding and dying planet will finally heal.
May KeK bless my humble exersize of the 70&0S.
May k#k bless your contributions likewise.

>I was here in 2003
if you wanna flex greybeard dick, i've been around long enough to remember when shii, kirtaner and marshall banana got booted from taxman's forum by fyad and ozma's catlady cabal (same scene as bitingbeaver's proto-TERF clique). i was there when the word "troon" was coined on hangly man's forum. i saw it all go down. all of it.

The truth is that cabals are formed EXTREMELY easily and rapidly under the right circumstances. TINC.

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Some guy named Frank that people who hate Trump supporters on a personal level pretend exists and is 100% serious

PS: Tenboro = L**s K******l
Greetz to OTD, Grahf and Eva01GoneBeserk

You just called him a
>rootie poo

>Does anyone know who Q is?
Yes. Edward Snowden knows who Q is.
>i was there when the word "troon" was coined

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Point granted. Your style still sucks tho. Just sayin' bro.
There Is No Conspiracy.
>oh yes there was, and anons caught them.
We got every fucking one of them.
We do not Forgive.
We do not Forget.
user appreciates your efforts to force truth to light.

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a wut? i thought we were talking about ancient medical recipes on a cartoon yak appreciation board.

department of defense. some anons found that out early on. it was always a government psyop.

RFC pilled from at least 2003. Excellent report, user. I do concur.

is Q still posting

There are many Q, just like Anonymous is Legion.
So, yes, in a way.

Q = JFK Jr = the antichrist

+ his Jewish son, Ezra Cohen Watnick and advisors like Dan Crenshaw

He will pretend to be based to fool you.

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