Based Jews?

Can Jews be normal? Like is eliminating them actually the solution? I know the higher ups are most definitely terrible people and the culture as a whole is the promotion of stingy business. But, what do you think? Can based Jews exist?

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This isn't a shill thread I just can't involve myself in the thread because I need sleep

Hitler didn't think that jews needed to be eliminated, now we have Israel.

Hitler also didn't intentionally kill nearly as many as they say... Heck for all I know it probably didn't even happen.

Also what if the elimination process undergoes and some are left? Talk about a fools man game. Those greedy kikes would not be happy

It didn't, the Nazi movement was made to benefit kikes all the way through, while pretending to persecute them. 50,000 jews got sent to Palestine and that's a fact, and that only led to in-fighting between jews and arabs, so much so that the UN conveniently said enough is enough, let's create Israel to stop the bloodshed.

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>Can Jews be normal?
As in like Whites? No. Jews are a race and they act according to their nature.
>Like is eliminating them actually the solution?
It's the one thing Whites have never actually tried.
>I know the higher ups are most definitely terrible people and the culture as a whole is the promotion of stingy business. But, what do you think?
Jews are monolithic in their anti-European hatred. It's in their blood
>Can based Jews exist?
All Jews are based when it comes to the interest of their own race. Oftentimes the most militant and racist Jews are the ones who pretend to be liberals.

By blood, absolutely. By culture no. The jewish culture is by definition caustic and aggressive

fair, I'll have to read up on it. I saw some Freemason stuff and Rothschild but, I always thought is was defamation. I also saw somewhere the elimination of Free Mason clubs.

Tell me about it... I tell you I still buy into the theory that they were put on this Earth to test people as sinners

Tha famous chess player was a based Jew

2 million jews in eastern europe shot

he eanted to give america back to the injuns he was not based

jews are fine. they just want to get rich like any other person in the wrold, they are just good at it. its like a comunity of magic johnsons but they play money instead of basketball.

>eastern europe
that's just their competition, jewish communism has killed poor jew slavs too

Traitors to this nation should be tied to a pole and shot, but there are too many to even count in this day, and age. Jews are no different, and we shouldn't kill them all, but the ones who aren't executed for treason should be exiled to Israel.

they were removed from 109 countries, that didn't stop them.

that was the cultural heart of european jewry

I've known a couple of jews who turned out to actually be real down-to-earth good people, but they were non-religious. On the other hand i've met or worked with quite a few jews in my life who were arrogant, rude assholes with major superiority complexes. In spite of the ones i've known who were cool, I don't trust a lot of them any farther than i can shit them out of my ass.

Jews see non jews as targets for profit. A jew cannot hold another jew to account for a jew passed a certain time, they have to forgive debts of other jews.

Non-jews are pockets to be picked. Divest from kike banks, if you use an institution, use a Credit Union. Kikes can't control what they can't control - credit unions are run by members, and jews are the minority everywhere but Israel.

Says who? The USSR?

Normal as in not greedy scheming fucks? Sure. Had one particular jewish colleague and he was a pretty funny guy, not really poor but below average, he was fully aware and ironic about the whole stigma thing. He was really pussy whipped tho. Completely average guy. The ones who are out of the loop of the upper echelons are regular guys mostly, with some exceptions of course.
And then again you don't have to be jewish genetically to be a disgusting turbokike.

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Exile means never to return on pain of death. They wouldn't come back here, and I would hope the rest of western civilization would follow suit, and stop falling for their victim traps. It could work, if only we could all come to agree, and stick to this point.