California just can’t stop winning. More free gibs inbound

California just can’t stop winning. More free gibs inbound.

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Liberal economics 101

Can’t wait for the extra $400. Now I can buy Elden Ring and some miniatures I had my eye on.

They should get more, because they pay the most into the federal budget unlike red states aka welfare states who only generate a deficit.

why not just remove the gas taxes

hey funny man, all currency must come from somewhere so let me ask you this. who is paying for this "relief package" and where is the money mainly flowing to

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They really are shameless aren't they. Literally just pay people off, directly, prior to the midterms and deal with the fallout on a non-election year.

Not my problem

Gas companies might increase prices higher

because they're just laundering money

But they need that money for gibs.

CA collected so much tax revenue they by law have to give some back

>oy vey can't afford to drive? here take this money at the cost of inflation goyim

>Gas companies might increase prices higher
but more money in pockets from a relief package won't allow the same thing?

enjoy your further de-valued dollar. i can see why the royal family wants to swap the dollar with the yuan

How do leftists manage to crush economies so effectively?

If you're going to be unbelievably retarded, you don't actually have to post.

> big ass surplus
>get 800 bucks for paying the most expensive gas

More than likely it'll be tailored to spics and nigs, whites will get nothing.

They need tax income to skim off the top. Also people might be a little upset when they see gas prices drop by 50 percent overnight and realize the massive tax they're paying

Make no mistake, federal Dems are considering this nationwide.

'Other Peoples Money'...

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Fuck it. The value of the dollar is worthless to a average Amerimutt anyway with the shit wages and high cost of living. Just will hopefully speed up the process.

Honestly pretty based
Give back taxes to we, the people

straight up buying votes

God knows they don't use it to repair the roads. Leave Cali in any direction, and you know immediately you have left by the condition of the road.

>Give back taxes
you mean after 50% of it was already expended through bureaucracy?

>vote to ship red state jobs overseas