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>turkey votes no for shits an giggles

That would be unfathomably based but there is no need, we aint joining

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Kyllä olet.

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fuck no they aren't

not paying those deadbeats milbill also. too fucking bad

Only ones against are the
which one you fall into?

was he ok ?

Why do so many happening fags jump to conclusions instead of killing themselves???

no one cares

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The deciding vote holds Russia, and we say No.

Otherwise, there will be no Finland.

They're going to get run over the moment they announce the referendum.

My Sami cousin is a shaman and does aruspicy with reindeer. Kek.

We won't

stfu ape, if you didn't have nukes your country would have been serfified from the outside and you would be 10X times happier than being serf under russian elite..

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But we do have nuke, and thus you have two choices
>Stay Neutral: and live safely and in peace
>Join Nato: and get annihilated

>IF you didn't have nukes
Pretty big if, finnfren.

why do they disagree? and why women tend to disagree more?

I was just reminding that if spies wouldn't have had leaked nukes to ussr history would have squashed russia to oblivion. They got incredibly lucky and they are stretching how far that luck can last.

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>50 people in Helsinki

Finland is a strategically significant country for russia's access to northern europe so we're getting bonked either way
This whole nato thing is just theater that'll just provoke russia for no reason, there won't be any sort of military action but there will be economic consequences for finland which just makes it a retard move

I am an unemployed uneducated female also these polls are trash, they ask couple hundred people and pretend its the consensus

Fucking woman