Don't work trades

Blue collar jobs are a social death sentence. Most blue collar workers are bullies. thats why there is a stigma against working those jobs. Do you think you're gonna look like a badass attractive male model in designer clothing while walking to his Miata or BMW when you work in sheetrock demolition all day?

Left in pic related is how women see you as a blue collar worker. Right is how they see you as a white collar worker. Mid is how they see you as a 'manager' of a blue collar operation/business

Attached: young-male-model-old-car-10024388.jpg (1575x592, 282.19K)

Daily reminder they took this from you.

Attached: WageSlave5.jpg (1293x3962, 964.94K)

>t. Quit his construction job on day 1 because the bigger men made fun of you for not being able to carry the heavy bags

Lmao women love the pic on the left. And I will absolutely bully you while covered in sheet rock dust you little soft handed faggot.

Good thing I’m always been a bully myself. They tried to bully me once in highschool because I was the new kid with no friends and I just started punching people in the face who acted like cunts.

Lol, someone made fun of you, didn't they?

u dont have highschools in belgium

they dont

Been welding for a few years. The guys I worked with were pretty cool but management are always the kiss ass fags that never moved on to better opportunities. I kept asking for a raise over $20 but they said $20 was good pay for my job (fabricator). So I quit in January and have been living off of savings and little side jobs here and there. Was looking at job ads online and saw their ad, still looking for my replacement, now offering up to $28/hr. Lmao! Seriously, tradies in this thread, tell those niggers you want a raise

no im just being realistic. i think blue collar jobs are cool in principle but i'm saying they are not looked on favorably

u have to learn boxing or kickboxing

i got bullied too. in the beginning.
when they go too far, smash a hammer in the fuckers face.
Pretend u were scared and he tried to attack you.

reminder that ragged clothes are for faggots

why did so many mentally ill people flock to Any Forums after 2020?

stfu pussy

do whatever you're passionate about. life is short and is for living. don't miss it.

you work for yourself not for others retard

every time i give people advice to start a business they just make excuses bro

The apprentice got made fun of and fucked with first day on the job lol it gets easier, stop being a pussy and jab back.

>do whatever you're passionate about
bullshit, do what will buy you food, or be the most passionate corpse

i dont work blue collar jobs dude. im just giving a PSA. That said i dont agree with you. Standing up for yourself comes in multiple steps and has pre-requisites to be successful

If you have low test you'll fail to do it
If you have bad/nonexistant rhetorical skills you'll fail to do it
If you can't fight or have a 'freeze' response from adrenaline you'll fail to do it

If the guys at your job make fun of you it means they trust you not to immediately run to the boss when shit gets heavy. Ragging on the new guy day 1 serves a practical purpose to gage whether or not they could trust you. We had a 100 lb 5'3" feminine looking autistic guy at my job site and he was beloved by almost everyone there because he worked hard and you could trust him. OP is a faggot.

Get the license you need in you trade, start your own company and work for yourself, hire a few men, etc. If you have a brain you will be well off.

If the guys at your job make fun of you it means they trust you not to immediately run to the boss when shit gets heavy. Ragging on the new guy day 1 serves a practical purpose to...

no you're just childish faggots asking to get decked. Quit making excuses to be a dick bro

Yeah, you definitely made this thread because you have hurt feelings.

Says the faggot on the board where everyone is a nigger of some type.

Attached: Bucko.png (1024x998, 1.11M)

That’s Romania lol

>social death sentence

>Most blue collar workers are bullies.

Yeah and thats why you stick up for yourself and make everyone on the job site know that you're the apex predator.

>work fag-tory for 2 years now
>brain tired from sleep deprivation from early shift
>tinnitus from hissing air (only 70 dB but it still fucked me)
>possible lead poisoning
I regret working there.

>Don't do blue collar
>No I'm not blue collar why do you ask
What a worthless faggot opinion

Stay mad and stay broke

I started my business last month and it changed my life. I bust my ass everyday and love it because it’s all for me. I don’t know why I put it off for so long, it just feels impossible until you do it.

Tradies like to brag about how much money they make but they sure as fuck work for me for a lot less than I make doing computer work from home.

ITT: limp wristed white collar cope

dont you nerds have spreadsheets to balance?

You sure showed them you dumbass.

>Tradies like to brag about how much money they make but they sure as fuck work for me for a lot less than I make doing computer work from home.

Union guys make the most money in the trades.

So basically government workers. Yea my uncle was a union elevator repair guy back in the 90's making over $100K a year.

you know nigger, back in the day they didn't whine about their problems, they walked up to this bully and gave them what for.

You can go and push paper and continue to lower the testosterone of mankind.

You can look at your son with your cuck wife and say, sorry son, youre a fucked up genetic mess because daddy didnt do any physical activity at all and gossiped like a school girl by the water cooler.

fitter father=fitter sons.

Didn't you post this thread on Any Forums?