This TV show is the final downfall of our society

It promotes porn, onlyfans, drugs, premarital sex, racemixing, and any degenerate behavior you can imagine. And it's directly marketed to the youth, and it's the most watched show by the youth. Our society is truly fucked.

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but aren't all the characters miserable?

Clutch your pearls harder grandma the world isn't coming to an end because of a tv show on hbo

your head should be held underwater until you stop moving


sex, have it

>your head should be held underwater until you stop moving
triggered af

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the show doesn't promote it. it shows things like they are and that's why it's popular with young people.
you are either an out of touch old faggot or a colossal loser who never interacts with people outside of this board.

Only until he stops moving? Then he could just stop moving immediately after being dunked underwater.

You wouldn't do shit faggot

Young people should all be massacred. Good bless school shooters taking care of that problem

isn't that what Disney promotes too? Little girl selling "pictures" of herself at school. You should be used to this demoralization by now

post address.
rope, zoomie

The normalization of degeneracy is one of major factors in the collapse of a society.

For me, it's Skins S01 & S02

Anyway stop with your seething, they're not promoting le degeneracy, they show that their actions have bad consequences, that's quite a bit of the point of those shows

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the show is so in your face with its degeneracy its borderline parody. the sad thing is that most young people wont get it

promotes? ur a retard, art criticism is a lot more nuanced than this pozzed hot take. that show is solid, pushes some edges but doesn't have an on the nose leftist agenda. it does what good art should do and that is transend politics

Good thing it's shit. Calm your tits grandpa.

>the show doesn't promote it. it shows things like they are and that's why it's popular with young people.
That is never what tv or movies do, you idiot. That's how they get you.

>the show doesn't promote it. it shows things like they are and that's why it's popular with young people.
>you are either an out of touch old faggot or a colossal loser who never interacts with people outside of this board.

Yesss those were the best seasons! Love Maxxie

>Anyway stop with your seething, they're not promoting le degeneracy, they show that their actions have bad consequences, that's quite a bit of the point of those shows
>Assuming propaganda is made to help you by people who care about you.

It promotes porn, flip phones, drugs, premarital sex, racemixing, and any degenerate behavior you can imagine. And it's directly marketed to the youth, and it's the most watched show by the youth. Our society is truly fucked.

For anyone who doesn't know, tv shows and movies are programming that sits in your brain and which you learn from as they are real experiences.

If you are enjoying them, you are falling for it.

>as they are real experiences.
I mean "as IF they are real experiences"

Don't watch it. Don't discuss it.

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Keep crying faggot

only show i liked has stopped

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Never seen it, I don't watch American TV shows

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All of them have negative consequences to their actions and in the early 2000s me and my millennial counterparts (retards) we're doing the same shit. You're a sheltered fuckface.

holy fuck check out these faggot shills

niggers are gross, and you will never be a woman

I was pointing out that his believe that shows just depict what is happening in real life is a con to get you to imitate them.

it shows all of these things fucking their lives up and making them miserable. its watched by youths because their lives are also fucked up and made miserable by these things.

representing an exaggerated reality is not promoting it

Oh, but pray tell why don't (((they))) ever depict things that actually work?

This is true. All the imagery and stimuli we take in, gets rooted deep in our subconscious and compels our worldview, thoughts, emotions in subtle ways, which again compels our behaviour and reaction to the stimuli of daily life. Its literal tailoring of the psyche of individuals. Cancel your netflix subscription and consume only healthy movies that have positive, naturalistic stimuli and promote healthy behaviours, views, thoughts etc.

>everyone in the show is miserable
>any action that may be considered degenrate by OP is always punished in the show
kek you watched some muh redpilled video on it and are now second hand seething, hilarious
kek another dummy

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They have marketed misery well before. Grunge, Soundcloud Xanax rappers.

>They disagreed with my narrow self important opinion on a TV show must be a paid shill
Who the fuck do I work for then? HBO? You're actually retarded

>It promotes porn, onlyfans, drugs, premarital sex, racemixing, and any degenerate behavior you can imagine. And it's directly marketed to the youth, and it's the most watched show by the youth. Our society is truly fucked.

If you subscribe to cable TV then you're apart of the problem.

yeah and anal porn doesnt promote it either, right, it just shows how your ass will prolapse if you do it, right

Did you like the Sopranos?

>This is true. All the imagery and stimuli we take in, gets rooted deep in our subconscious and compels our worldview, thoughts, emotions in subtle ways, which again compels our behaviour and reaction to the stimuli of daily life.
You can fight it, but it is stressful to do, so you wouldn't expose yourself to it if you weren't enjoying it. That's why they trick you into enjoying it. If you are enjoying it, you are being programmed! If you don't enjoy it, if you are constantly resisting it, rejecting it, you will feel bad, and then you won't watch it! But then you'll have to find something else to do!

Try to figure out better ways to be entertained, bros, or you're just being programmed!

Imagine being so gullible and stupid that you let media affect your behavior. I've seen hundreds of true crime documentaries, movies and shows and I've never killed a single person, however, after reading this thread I'm thinking of taking it up.

1313 Mockingbird lane
I'll have my pet spot take care of you faggot

show me a porn where we see the terrigoe consequences of anal prolapses. its fetishized so you wont see it
the show shows every single terribke consequence of bad actions

>Did you like the Sopranos?
Didn't watch. I don't watch anything these days and I'm still rooting out old movie/tv "experiences" from my brain.

I've traced back most of my decisionmaking to fucking movies and tv shows, and then I have had to accept that embarrassing truth in order to get rid of it.

Cool. Haven't seen it yet but now I'm definitely going to watch it.

>Imagine being so gullible and stupid that you let media affect your behavior. I've seen hundreds of true crime documentaries, movies and shows and I've never killed a single person,
Yes, they were programming you to think that if you commit a crime its super likely that there is a badass team of diligents super-sleuths who will always catch you in the end.

Maybe that effect isn't generally bad for us, but it leads eventually to us being unable to resist organized crime and corruption in the government because we think someone's always going to deal with it.

didnt see a tv show or movie in the last 10 years.

Boomers said the same about the shit you watched. Now you consider it classic