Press S to spit on her grave

Press S to spit on her grave.

Attached: madeleine-albright1.jpg (3129x2086, 628.25K)

She is not in grave she is in hell

I press s to shit on her grave.



I'll see you that S and raise you a P to piss on it as well.



kikes all go to hell for killing Isa pbuh (Jesus). Allah will be punishing her now. S.

God I wish I could have greased the tank threads with her body.

thank you for humanitarian bombing of Serbs (didnt happen) and for NATO expansion.
I miss this days, we should bomb Serbs more often.

Oh, great. She checks out just before WW3. She deserved to live through it.

One day, Prague will be bombed again, as in World War II and the Thirty Years' War. Be careful what you want, so it doesn't happen in your house.

>spit on her grave.
I shit on her and her grave. Worthless Cunt.

>he wants NATO expansion
oh no no no, ur gonna be a minority soon chudcel

her name is Dorka

Attached: Dorka.webm (640x360, 1.83M)

The witch Madeleine Albright has died. Assad's curse continues. Based Bashar Al Assad again!

Attached: 1646998695840.jpg (793x960, 81.69K)

I'm shitting on her grave and down her chimney. May the deepest darkest, depraved layer of Hell use her for the worst games imaginable to devils and demons. Fucking child-killing bitch.

Ding dong the witch is dead.




Can someone actually spit on her grave for me?

May the great scales of balance judge her fairly!
No more, no less!

i dont care about Prague, so again,
we should bomb Serbs more often (NATO has new members, and they need practice too),
I just love butthurted Serbs.

Biggest fucking S in the history

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