A literal war criminal

A literal war criminal.

Attached: 150826_george_w_bush_ap_1160_956x519-840x456.jpg (840x456, 34.05K)

I remember thinking back then "boy, I don't think the establishment demosharts could ever treat a president as badly as they treat Dubya."
How naive I was.


Fuck off. You are America's lapdog.

They practically suck his dick all the time now

Cry more, faggot

Mo, I'm a war criminal; he's just some faggot that sat behind a desk.

>invades other countries under flimsiest of pretexts
>installs illegitimate puppet regimes
>openly and boastfully runs torture sites/dungeons
>bombs women and children
>enriches his family, the cheney family, and all their kike pals
>"he was the last GOOD republican, not like the meanie drumpfie and his tweets!"
>"muh putin war crimes"

Yeah it's weird. Even more reason to not trust or believe them on anything, they're so inconsistent, histrionic, bipolar.

They will scream.

You’re not a war criminal when you’re the only one who can enforce the rules. America could publicly broadcast the anal rape of Vladimir Putin, and the only ones with any power to do anything are American citizens. The rest of the world will just sit in the corner with their dicks in their hands.

lmao even the most milquetoast republican president will be portrayed as Hitler that's just how these people are.

>>invades other countries under flimsiest of pretexts
>>installs illegitimate puppet regimes
>>openly and boastfully runs torture sites/dungeons
Wtf?! I love him, now!
>>bombs women and children
>>enriches his family, the cheney family, and all their kike pals
There's always a kike. What're you gonna do?
>>"he was the last GOOD republican, not like the meanie drumpfie and his tweets!"
I liked Trump a little better but at least Shrub caused some butthurt.
>>"muh putin war crimes"
Are also based.

This is true.
I wish they'd get just two terms of a REAL Hitler so they'd finally shut up.

They are the real hitlers.

They aren't.
They are easily led and frightened ignoramuses who sperg out about whatever their programmers in the (((media))) tell them to.

based. all the dumb trump haters. last i checked trump didnt start a failed war, let alone 2 that killed millions

oh yeah and this fucker started the patriot act, domestic surveillance programs and torture prisons.

yet fake media keeps telling me trump was the worst president because he refused to read teleprompter

its like u could literally have hitler be pres as long as they can read the teleprompter OK

biden is a fucking corpse. weekend at bernies dummy that mouthes the teleprompter

There's no such thing as a war crime.
It's war.

bullshit. fake media loves this cunt

they loved him back in the day too wtf are you talking about? country didnt go anti bush until about 6mo before end of office once financial crisis was getting going. you dumb fucking zoomer.

>based. all the dumb trump haters. last i checked trump didnt start a failed war, let alone 2 that killed millions
Nothing wrong with killing millions.
Just pissed that we didn't get anything out of it.
>oh yeah and this fucker started the patriot act,
>domestic surveillance programs
>and torture prisons.
Fucking based!
>yet fake media keeps telling me trump was the worst president because he refused to read teleprompter
Nah, it's because he didn't toe the NeoLiberal line.
>its like u could literally have hitler be pres as long as they can read the teleprompter OK
I wish Hitler was president.
All the shitlibs would be dead and we might progress.
>biden is a fucking corpse weekend at bernies dummy that mouthes the teleprompter
I wouldn't worry about him much longer, tho.

bush was neoliberal line. at the time

obooma was just bush part 2 really. except he could read a teleprompter better