What other things are forbidden to be talked about in the U.S.?

What other things are forbidden to be talked about in the U.S.?
The Democratic party has been subverted or just finally dropped the facade?
How deep does the rabbit hole goes?
What is the Conservative party conserving?
Americans are watching their country being subverted openly in front of their faces like never before.


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Follow the dollar, user. Everything else is noise they throw at you to keep you off balance.

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That guy is kind of based, for a degenerate new age style hippy fag.
I don't know how it happened, maybe because he is intelligent enough to break through the programming. Because i bet you once he was as left as they come.

Maybe he's been getting redpills over the years from here?

It doesn't really have to do with being intelligent. It is just a drive to find and share the truth. In his case, I guess, at some point all of the drugs and drive to seek something in altered mental states didn't felt significant or meaningful to him like he was achieving nothing so he may have redirected that drive slightly. Not completely because he still does Yoga and hippie stuff. I guess the Yoga shit is just to maintain his body and his Youtube channel to maintain his mind?

He dealt with jews in the entertainment industry. Its not hard to figure the rest out from there.
On that note, how does it feel knowing the world is becoming very acutely aware of the Jewish question?

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Here a meme of a habitual line stepper to save the thread of page 11 hell

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>On that note, how does it feel knowing the world is becoming very acutely aware of the Jewish question?

Not concerned in the slightest, our people are protected by the USA and by extension the entire nato alliance.

We/ Israel is untouchable, we cannot and won't be defeated ever.

Ever since Shitler lost we've completely dominated you and your institutions.
We own the internet and you won't do as much as fart without the 3 letter agencies knowing it = us knowing it and the amount of methane it contains.

That's a fact ozzy.

The world belongs to us Ozzy!

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Wait i'm not done yet.

>Jewish question
So here's part deux
nowhere in the west can you have a nazi organization anymore.

Azov ahahah yeah, rightwing militia sure thing, nazis ach of course not, to be nazi is to be agaisn't zionist and Jews and any of our control machinations.

Don't you think our ngo watchdogs such as the ADL and many others don't know, we know, that you know?
And truly w don't give a toss because as soon as you make a movement irl, we'll have our 3 letter friends investigate ;)

You antisemites are allowed to kvetch cope and seethe in this containment board where you can do no harm.

I challenge you to talk about the jq to any of your neighbours or genrally anywhere out in the open, go on then mate.
But you can't without commiting social seppoku can you?


And that is precisely why i am not concerned in the slightest ;)

I wish I studied journalism

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What did he mean by this?

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I agree he seems to have a fair opinion on what's going on. he has not said the forbidden things yet (as far as i know).
So no worries, i like his stuff .
For now he has a seal of approval.

Thank you, very interesting indeed.
oh shit , fuck! a secret self handshake !
red alert red alert hand rubbing means nothing !
>we must make handrubbing illegal!

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>forbidden to talk about
>on YouTube
Wtf are you talking about?

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Well Covid and Hunter Biden's computer and the whole social media apparatus silencing dissent and don't forget Canada's bank account freeze.

He’s talked about all of that on YouTube wtf are you talking about?

Does it enrage you the things OP is talking about?

Not at all. But everything he’s talking about is posted on YouTube kek

>What is the Conservative party conserving?
Well they are not interested at all in the 30% of voters who are begging them to take their votes

Yes and drown out in algorithms, shadowbans and straight up account bans.

QRD on the connection? Just from osmosis I've gathered that his story is falling apart like an anime fan on prom night.

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Kek I started a new YouTube like a month ago and started getting brand recommendations. Please stop.

These "View" hosts telling their audience that we need to round up dissenters and try them for treason is pretty out in the open...

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Literally every bit of evidence stated shows that he willingly murder that woman.

And then when they did a digital reenactment of the event it showed even more concrete proof that he straight up murdered her.

The connection is that she was the wife of one of the lawyers who was indicted on the Hillary Clinton emails, Hunter Biden Laptop, and a couple of other scandals showing she was complacent in murder, child sex trafficking, money laundering, and a whole host of things that has biden's name all over it.

>please stop
There you go. See? See how easy it is?