Now that Putin will bomb NATO in Ukraine

What are your last words?

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April fools

RUssia bombing a Nato convoy will literally spell the end for Russia. People in the West don't want war and Putin knows this, so he has plenty of time to play with during these military maneuvers.

And because he has time, world war 3 is off the table.

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Why do we get so many nukes??

because it's the only way to be sure

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Why the fuck we getting bombed? We ain't in nato

>What are your last words?
I HATE THE ANTICHRIST, as I step towards and embrace the nuclear explosion.

For all the migrants. Have to be thorough.

Why Slovenia? they look like they’ve been coloured in in ms paint.

>all those dots in the ocean
What did the fish ever do?

What is this map?

Number of furies per capita

they know what they did.

why would he nuke barcelona??

What these red dots mean ? Switzerland will never be hit by anybody.

Niggers tongue my anus!

ay no no no no el catalufo con miedito a que le tiren una bomba



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The radius of each bomb is just a few miles and there are only 1k or 2k deployable bombs. Considering more than half are going to USA, that map is bullshit.
The fallout on the other hand…

>more than half are going to USA
China will nuke the US, Russia will nuke the EU

I leave in the country side and own a gas mask and hazmat suit (british new and unpacked ones are like -10€ on ebay). Dont go outside for 2 days, dont drink water or eat plants for 2 weeks, up to 2 month if you really want to be sure.
I just need to buy more water.

Hope too see you all frens in Heaven,even if some we will need maybe some purgatorium to clean soul . I'd say
>Deus Vult

Nah idk what the fuck i'd say. Probably
>Mierda joder joder

Chinese payload delivery is dogshit, those nukes ain't crossing the pacific

Forgive me father, for I have sin-*boom*

they already own us, why would they nuke us

just 2 more weeks


Awe man, beat me to it and your post is funnier.
Here's a you for being based and Jesus pilled.

Shema Yisrael, Adonia Elohaynu, Adonai Echad


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Che vita di merda

modern ICBM's is not some sort of 'Tsar Bomba', they small, they accurate.
targets - military bases, infrastructure, factories, warehouses.

sadly, no fallout afterwards.

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China gains nothing from nuking US besides the guarantee of US nuking them back. Why wouldn’t they just let Russia and the US nuke each other to hell and literally rule the world for the rest of time?

Why is Switzerland getting nuked? I thought they were neutral.

>China gains nothing from nuking US

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Fuck niggers, fuck kikes, fuck jannies.

not anymore!

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The bugmen would be willing to accept some losses if that meant they win out
With 3 billion chinks there’s a lot of redundancy

And the Bong remains unscathed

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did they really break 300 years of neutrality for a psyops?

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Slovenia BTFO. You had it coming Janez

I think about calling a Nigger out in Heaven knowing he wont do shit

Cold war doctrine
Nuke neutral countries so they don't expand in the vacuum after the war.

So how would it work ? How many nukes can russia launch at once ? How long would the bombing last ? We know the estimate of how many nukes they have but how would the actually launch them all ?

Please hit me


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