Destroys a NATO funded country of 40 million with only 200 thousand soldiers and minimal civilian casualties

>Destroys a NATO funded country of 40 million with only 200 thousand soldiers and minimal civilian casualties
Holy shit, how the fuck does he do it?

Attached: путин с трёшкой.jpg (800x565, 126.8K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Week 4 of 3 day invasion.
>No cities are taken.
>Front lines run out of food and ammo.
>Closest allies refuse to send help.
>Sanctions snowballing
>FSB office responsible for intel was put into home arrset
>Defence Minister absent for almost 2 week and offically has "heart problems"
>Tactical missiles stock run so low that must scrap armory for everything that exlode with Kinzhal strategic missiles wasted on unimportant targets included
>Invasion halted.
>Constripting junarmia that is youth paramilitary organisation with underage members in order to throw more people at frontline.
>Army fails to surround Kiev in order to lay siege.
>Holy shit, how the fuck does he do it?

lmao psheks are in perpetual cope&seethe mode

Are we? You guys spam cope threads all day long. And don't even get me started on how butt blasted you are on Poland. It looks like Poland has more threads now than war itself.

nato is jewish, petro-dollar is jewish. what a king if he collapses them

>NATO funded.
Ukraine isn't NATO funded. Try invading Lithuania and see what happens.

>Try invading Lithuania and see what happens.

jews will rally the goyim to defend jewish interests

American bends the knee, Russian hyperextends it

That's nothing, he destroyed his own country of 140 million with only 200 thousand soldiers.

Kremlinbots will always pretend the opposite is true, example being all these accusations of Ukrainian shilling when really it's the Russians shilling nonstop here, or trying to at least.

Attached: russian_shills.png (500x532, 209.61K)

Not as impressive as destroying a Russian-funded country on the other side of the world in 48 hours with 50,000 soldiers lmao. Step your game up.

is forced to literally become a Chinese satellite state

Russia is China's first European colony

What stupid hats.
I think you will find that Russia is in a quagmire in Ukraine.
>so against the west you deep throat Russian propaganda

Attached: 1647996594773.jpg (534x533, 89.54K)


And most of Ukraine farmland is owned by China. Their leadership was very busy selling it off to the Chinks for the last 10 years or more

Attached: 1647990607516.gif (1200x1000, 875.31K)

how is that even possible ? 200 000 people make 40 million butthurt

Cuz they're hohols who sell or steal everything they could.
>Chinese satellite
>China was producing 99% of Europe's shit
Oh hey, you've finally came up with idea to reverse meme. Took you quite long, huh.

>t. kurwa cope

Attached: pole's law.png (750x750, 57.03K)

in every thread about hohlostan I see at least one pshek seething

>Destroys a country
Putin honoring his african heritage.

Attached: putin's-cousins.jpg (1440x900, 152.69K)

Ivan, have you bought flour and sugar yet?

Flour is present. We got a lot of grain, can share around 40 million tonnes. Sugar, though? Some bitches keep buying it all up like crazy. It's like TP at the start of coof plandemic. Even salt gets taken sometimes.