Russia has been thoroughly defeated

Attached: ded.png (595x615, 368.18K)

Don't care. Eastern shithole Europe isn't my problem.

God damn the ghost of Kiev must be working night and day

>Eastern shithole Europe
Think of the Estonians, user.

Attached: Estonian22.jpg (736x490, 92.79K)

Damn i just got my house in Siberia shelled by the ukrainians shiiiet they are already here daamn

>40k killed
holy shit what is this cope

Do the monkeys still not read?

Nazis win this time.

The only reason the Ukrainians are even able to keep fighting is because daddy NATO giving them weapons


Putin war let that sink in. Only one scenario possible to end it all and you know what that is.

Attached: let the last party begins.gif (300x168, 1.6M)

>...wounded, taken prisoner or missing (deserted)
makes the number 'a bit' more believable if you read the rest, user

>***UP TO*** 40k killed
so it's probably more like 4k

They clarify saying wounded, killed, or taken prisoner. But we've seen maybe 50 dead Russians and about maybe about 100 tanks and armor destroyed. Even if you believe the 10k or 15k death tolls and another 10k wounded, that's still 20k Russian prisoners we haven't seen hide nor hair from.

dont be retarded please

Attached: Screenshot_2022-03-23-15-39-14-1.png (695x511, 419.37K)

Absolute damage control.

Attached: Ukrainian losses 20th march 2022.png (4024x3089, 1.99M)

what a mighty cope

Rumors among US intelligence agencies is that Zelensky is entering Moscow in 2-3 days.

Attached: estonian55.jpg (640x430, 37.46K)

Overbites are cute fuck you

4k due to inflation, so probably around 1k

2 more weeks till the convoy reaches keev

The media still hasn't given honest covid deaths/data in their own country without getting shelled by bombs or having the secrecy of war around them.
>but yah I totally believe they got this number right

The more they hype the propaganda that Ukraine is winning, the more embarassing it's going to be when the fiction is revealed.

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>literally 6-7x higher estimate than a week or so ago