Kentani Brown Jackson is a tranny confirmed

Attached: Woman.png (605x865, 361.72K)

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So anyone with a biology degree can define 'woman' however they see fit?

English is wrecked, ripperinos.

Why is this board obsessed with trannies


Nah, just a raging shitlib so wound up in progressive ideology she no longer has the ability to see obvious truths.

>I was looking for a woman
>and i found no woman
>I found a lot of men who look like women.

Checked. All niggers are sex degenerates. It's in their disgenic disnature.

I hold a medical license and biology degree. A women is defined as Having the chromosomes XX a male is XY. Has nothing to do with chemical imbalances occurring in the endocrine system leading to misfiring synapse or ur feelings. Snap back to reality oooh there goes gravity? Space may be the final frontier but it’s made in a Hollywood basement?

you know breitbart is controlled op because they called biden "president"


Attached: sc_FSDFLSKDJFSDLFSDFaasdfsadf.jpg (1161x1189, 399.34K)

>Why is this board obsessed with trannies

Attached: download.gif (180x180, 572.88K)

This board isn't obsessed with trannies. Trannies are obsessed with this board. Probably because this is the only place they will read the truth: a crazy faggot wearing a dress is still a man.

it takes a biology degree to define what children know

Learn to swim

They can also define humans as sacks of molecules from a narrow scope, predatory apes from a wider scope, and dust or dirt from the widest scope. In other words all physical scopes are crap and fail to grasp our true nature and abilities.

Tbh if an american court asked me to define woman I'd backpedal too.

Absolutely MOGGED

Since she can’t define woman how can (((she))) be considered the first black woman in SCOUTs? Also if she claims you need to be a biologist to define gender shouldn’t the libs & trannies be up in in arms.

This is a magna cum lade? Really?

yes straight outta bix nood university gradumatin at least a 2.7 outta 5 gpa

It all has to do with being a midwit. Midwits deny reality that both retards and geniuses intrinsically know, as a failed attempt to appear "intelligent" and "enlightened", all while they themselves are delusional idiots.