Adidas camo

Do these ridiculous Adidas stripes on russkie uniform give you +15 to basic stats, or something? Why else using this clownish shit?

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more russian meat to fill body bags

I wonder why the fuck those stripes are bright orange. What was the logic behing putting something so bright on a camo. It's like shoot me senpai camouflage.

It is the St. George ribbon. Would you prefer your hyper inclusive faggot and tranny flag of butt sex, niggers and pedophilia?

Same retards wearing bright yellow on their bicep. It's to prevent friendly fire but works both ways

Levels of stupidity is unfathomable

Wrong. Russkie goblins use shiny white/red bands on their biceps. The Adidas stripes are just gypsy shit.

Attached: 1647173498979.png (1280x855, 2.6M)

Friendly fire is a bigger concern in modern war than camouflage that doesn't work against drones and thermal optics

ribbon of st. george

so it gives +10 to holy attack

well they did all get immediately killed after kek

Attached: greenmen.png (640x855, 1.21M)

It's for wargamers in 10 or so years, once the miniatures become available. Painting moderns is beyond tedious, so a dash of colour amongst the drab is greatly appreciated.

Deer Hunter logic, sendpie.

Again - why paint your uniform with this oogabooga, pidorashka-kun?

Attached: 16479551621010.jpg (1280x865, 164.94K)

ITT: retards

The Russian army has proven to be useless, they cannot conquer a failed and corrupt nation like Ukraine, worse conquer another developed and prosperous nation. Your politicians cheat you with the Russian threat just to use you as cannon fodder and continue selling weapons.

Orange in numerology translates to 33. Just a thought. Other than that, it's the standard color to avoid friendly fire.

It looks good

Ukraine is getting more weapons and foreign supplies than any nation in history . Failed or not, Ukraine is only putting up a fight because of NATO support. Russia has to basically fight NATO through Ukraine proxy.

He's talking about the Ukrainians, retard.
They use yellow armbands.

On the decimated russkies - indeed.

Attached: 1646547958032.jpg (1024x768, 144.32K)

I really hate this stripe.
It started wholesome, it was a symbol people wore on Victory day to commemorate veterans. It emerged pretty spontaneously and was sincere and without any trace of politics, nobody even though about it this way.
Then the government caught up and started exploiting it. First giving the ribbons out in a organized way, then almost enforcing them.
Soon it became used on every political rally.
Now it's literally part of military uniform.

I've noticed fed niggers only have 3 or 4 of the same dead Russian pics since the beginning of the war lmao.

You have to be more discreet about your shilling , tranny.
We were talking about aesthetics, not war casualties.

I bet it would look great on a grey cotton tracksuit

>Bright colored strips on a Camo outfit.

might as well just wear football jerseys.

Lol, I've been seeing it for years on the interior mirror if cars. Always a sign of a vatnik cars.

Wonder who could be behind this memeflag