It's over for US dollar

it's over for US dollar

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Russians tongue my anus.

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>Please take our rubles
>Europe: no

It's the other way around retard. Europe isn't the one selling gas to Russia.

you retard, nobody is asking europe to take rubles. They are forced to buy rubles to buy gas.

Idiot. Russia has what Europe wants and is the one in the position to make demands

Why should we care? Only 8% of the UK gas supply comes from the Mongolians.

>Europe: no
>OK. You can die.

If the gas and oil prices fall they are fucked.

Checkmate ZOG.

Wow who could have imagined that sucking russias dick for oil and gas may have had negative consequences

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at worst we have a shit year.
I hope russhea is warm in the summer you cunt

you're not even in Europe anymore.

>Only 8% of the UK gas supply
You live in a capitalist society, so those 8% determines the price the 92% charge.

They won't anytime soon
t. 10 years real oil and gas experience not hunter biden experience

you retard. u can buy expensive american fracking gas. i want my cheap russian gas. hell 70% of gas is consumed by industry. gas price up -> everything price up

people lived thousands of years without gas/oil

Is that why your production stops, the price of electricity and heating increases? Because of 8%?

In order to give rubles you have to buy rubles with Euros so Russian banks get Euros for worthless rubles and then Russian oil companies get those rubles back anyway. It's some kind of 5th dimensional chess move here.

I never said we should care. C*ntinental scum should probably care.

Thank God!

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Big problem eu dont have woods.

>If the gas and oil prices fall they are fucked.
It will fall as supply increases , and then it will rise again when too many go broke. Oil is a very cyclic market.

In reality now they SHOULD have rubles or they can't buy anything.

Goodbye petrodollar

It costs much more than a few extra yuros in the long run

It's not really a 5D chess move, Americans have been enforcing a similar petrodollar for decades.


What negative consequences?
It's the EU and the USA that is doing the sanctions.

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It is the Federal Reserve Note now failing and being issued into oblivion.

US taxpayers paid $562 Billion in interest alone in fiscal year 2021 to issue our own currency out of thin air in the form of bond debt
$562 billion
($562,000 million)
Pic related

How it is:
>US government needs currency
>US treasury prints up some bonds
>Federal Reserve creates money out of thin air and buys said bonds from US Government
>US government now has new currency created out of thin air by Fed banks
>Now, US taxpayers owe interest (and principal) on said US bonds, as well as paying a fee to the Fed’s shareholders which are called the primary dealers (the big banks), this is the US Public Debt

How it should be:
>Congress makes annual budget
>Tax revenues are collected and any budget shortfall (deficit) is then new debt-free US Notes issued by the US Treasury itself, no bonds needed, no US Public Debt to issue our own currency
Are Americans ever going to realize this fraud?

>when a generation sells the future of their country and their offspring for unsustainable and lavish wealth and their offspring are too stupid to realize it

Attached: $562 B FY 2021 US Public Debt Interest.png (1332x1468, 466.13K)

Fpbp, neighbor

Rubles are worthless. There aren't enough rubles in the world to buy a gallon of gasoline.

Yes and the average life expectancy was 36.

oy vey who could imagine if you and your pets freeze our assets and make sanctions against us would have consequences


No nation can harm the best country in the world. We have the best economy, the strongest military, and a diverse population. Or diversity in genetics and intelligence is what makes us strong.

Hope so.

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We will just stop paying to them them. What can they do about it?

yeah and look how shitty their lives were. They worked 365 days a year to die at the age of 40. no thanks.

>It costs much more than a few extra yuros in the long run
no, its all about money and power. Remember what ever the kikes agree on, you need to disagree.

By the end of the year your electric bill will be 2.5x times its current price, but keep coping

Spring has started which mean Europe don't need gas and oil as much as winter time. And before next winter Europe will build new greener infrastructure which not need gas nor oil either.

Enjoy russians your last payments of gas and oil.

Asap in Russians means never. Putin wants to sweat sweat euros flowing.

Sell its gas to China, India and other Asian countries. The moment they stop supplying us with gas, we are fucked

that was a good thing

Clearly you are some kind of faggot, but yes, Europe is going to cuck Putin and stop buying its gas and oil.

This will completely fuck both ch8na and Russia.

>a shit year
The levels of cope

Except that the supply won't be allowed to rise in any meaningful way to cause the gluts of a few years ago. Biden is trying to suck on Venezuelas dick and opecs dick for them to sell us more supply instead of incentivising our own companies to drill and produce. In fact they do nothing but make it harder and harder. They say
>well even if we did drill a lot more it takes a long time goy and we need supply now hehe
But it doesn't. Of course it takes more than a couple weeks but within 3 months we could be swimming in excess oil and the price would tank. But they won't do it.

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>Sell its gas to China, India and other Asian countries.
they already have their needs met. i think youre dumb

They won't sell you the gas you so desperately need.

If people had voted Salvini we could at least have nuclear energy here


I will sell my VHS porn collection to russia and become an oil tycoon

>It's some kind of 5th dimensional chess move here
No it's just that westoids are retarded, and thus easy to outplay.

>>when a generation sells the future of their country and their offspring for unsustainable and lavish wealth and their offspring are too stupid to realize it
By the way, this is an interesting question. Everyone who understands at least a little about economics understood that this cannot go on forever. And then your Biden, in a week, did everything so that as many countries as possible began to exclude the dollar from
This is either a very cunning plan of the Jew Reptilians, or your leadership is completely crazy.

Hohol cope, Akhmat power.

Um, mutt, you got it all wrong.
Russia's selling gazoline for rubles, not asks other sellers to accept it.

Industry uses up 70% of the gas in europe adn they are not using it to heat homes during winter.

>Anglo education

>Putin wants to sweat sweat euros flowing
Who needs euros when Comrade Xi is happy to buy any amount for yuan?

>And before next winter Europe will build new greener infrastructure
lewlz no we won't
our government is so corrupt they won't even be able to figure out which of their buddies to give E.U. funds to by next winter
Thankfully we mostly burn firewood for heat.

Plenty of Christians at the Fed. The hebrew people may be overrepresented, but bringing them up only diminishes the argument against the Fed as a racial plea, rather than the fraudulent con that it is. I see comments about jews as a way to distract from the very legitimate arguments against fractional reserve central banking, some would even call it controlled opposition.
Bringing up jews provides an Achilles' Heel to the irrefutable argument against debt-based central banking.

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I bet on the latter.

>Why should we care? Only 8% of the UK gas supply comes from the Mongolians.
Good thing your buying from a closed market ehh

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We're ~40% lower on gas which anyhow gets 10-20% or so replaced this year.

Russia meanwhile loses like 50% of all trade and good luck selling that to China/India who don't have that much need rn and also don't want to become dependent as-is.

plenty of christians at the fed

>The Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act (GLBA), also known as the Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999, (Pub.L.106–102 (text) (pdf), 113Stat.1338, enacted November 12, 1999) is an act of the 106th United States Congress (1999–2001). It repealed part of the Glass–Steagall Act of 1933, removing barriers in the market among banking companies, securities companies, and insurance companies that prohibited any one institution from acting as any combination of an investment bank, a commercial bank, and an insurance company. With the passage of the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act, commercial banks, investment banks, securities firms, and insurance companies were allowed to consolidate. Furthermore, it failed to give to the SEC or any other financial regulatory agency the authority to regulate large investment bank holding companies.[1] The legislation was signed into law by President Bill Clinton.[2]

these fuckers did more damage than even woodrow wilson
all fucking christian

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How much cost gasoline in your country? In roubles, please. USD cost nothing anymore.

>Europe: please don't make us take your rubles
>Russia: Yes

I am not an anti-semite, but am aware of Israeli espionage-tier lobbying in our country.
I saw this documentary and do recommend it to others on the subject:
Defamation: Israeli Documentary on "Anti-Semitism"
It is about diaspora jews and in it, an old Israeli jewish woman comes right out and says that the real jews are in Israel and they work. She says the other jews that live in other countries are in ‘monkey business' and make money through usury. She also says they must be nuts, and are they just waiting to anger everyone and for another Hitler to come along? She also says the diaspora jews won't come to Israel because they don't want to work.
this is @3:15

The ADL is made out in this video as keeping antisemitism in the spotlight, so it remains relevant. Kind of like job security.

very interesting video

and i must add:
in the film, the way the israelis dragged their kids to defunct concentration camps around europe and made them cry was horrifying and tantamount to child abuse
>imagine indoctrinating generation after generation to be vengeful victims

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Exactly, Germany will have to purchase all the rubles to buy just a little gas, rubles value increases by removing supply, it's brilliant

>Europe = European Union
man they really have cucked a lot of you boys too

No, they won't, and it makes me wonder, who will this government blame when the monetary system experiences a total collapse, and economic activity comes to a standstill ? The generation that sold the future doesn't know what they gave away, and neither do their offspring. I've tried to explain exactly what is in your post to many normies, and they look at me like I have 10 heads.

Do Russians really think this?

Yeah no Germany takes alone 55% of its nation wide gas supply (that includes industrial one) from Russia.
Not only will people not be able to cook or heat water, they will have to shut down industry.
Meaning sudden drastic rise in unemployment and people on welfare, but since a few year's ago we flooded our nation with welfare recipient's.
Now if China work's together with Russia as planned we are fucked.
Companies like TSMC and so on are have a the Chinese government as majority share holders.
China the source of not only many ressources, but the majority of the producing, especially high tech, industry.

If they suddenly say shit x is now no longer 1000$, but 1000 rubble, and dollar is 1000000 the entire market will be turned 180.

We are more relient on them than they are on us.
Especially China is nearly completely self-sufficient production and ressource wise.
Compare that to most western nation's.
Globalism has made the western nation's week and depend.

Germany will not do it.

Boohoo, no more gas from a resource cursed shithole.

>Our economy will only contract by 8%
>Only 8% of our people will freeze to death
>Surely none of our other sources of energy will be effected by this

Amazing that these Euros call US stupid.


It would be such a funny year.

He just kidding.its something like eu believe we starve here

>not taking foreign denominations for your exports when suffering from inflation
Why? Nobody holds big ruble reserves. Doesn't this fuck with his deflationary measures?

The gas reserves for winter are build up in the summer. The other energy sources you mention are non-existent and would take at least three years to build a considerable alternative. If it was so easy to do we wouldn't have been so dependent on Russia all this time

>Geez, why have energy prices doubled?

50 pyccких pyблeй

Only due to child mortality

Trade agreements have specified currency so I cast Doubt on his statement.

and also, looks like russian jews are bad eggs, according to the rabbis
>kek DNA testing is the epitome of racism

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isnt this good for europe seeing as the ruble is worthless?

Sanctions and trade protectionism always has negative consequences on both sides. That's why free trade is so widespread to begin with. Liberals were perfectly cognisant of this when Trump tried to do his trade war with China but now they seem to have forgotten.

And what exactly your plan when winter come and all your reserve would be empty because you spend all in industry and did not make stocks?

You leftists swines made us dependend on eastern block resources.


europe buys ruble w euro, russia speculates and kikes out w euro in markets creating money out of thin air, extra activity automatically increases value of ruble, added bonus of making europe look like weak faggots bowing to their master daddy vladdy


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We hope that Europe would be sensible and buy gas in rubles.
After all, we buy European stuff in euros, so what's the big deal?

Why is nationalism fine for some, but not for others?

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That is fine so long as you don't mind a 90% drop in population, which will include you.

India already made deals with the Russians and China will not let Russia go down. What you think is irrelevant; you're objectively an imbecile

Elections indeed do have consequences.

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Gypsy moment

Nothing good happens after 30 anyway

>And before next winter Europe will build new greener infrastructure which not need gas nor oil either.

>mfw trump told them this would happen
>mfw everyone laughed at him
>mfw trump was the single most misunderstood president of the modern era

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