>Generation Equality

Hey America! Can you stop spreading this fucking bullshit in my country? Thanks

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Can Moldovan women even risk getting a job?

What does that mean. Equal pay?


>Promoting lesbo couples
>Generation equality

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We are living in dark times, brother.

You’re the ones who voted for Sandu

I hate globohomo and usa so much its unreal.

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it's still small for you so just kill whoever does it

If Moldova is it spared globohomo nobody will. Grab some paint cans and go ham on them. The state will not be able to maintain the propaganda if you draw dicks and pussies all over it in the regular. Do not take it, release the village rapist.

better join romania ASAP if you dont want to get invaded moldovabros

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In all countries of ex-communist block big majority of woman are working. After the second world war everything was destroyed and many men were death, so we couldn't allow situation in which 55% of society stay at home, we had cities and villages to rebuild. Also you must remeber that before WWII most of our countries were poor and agricultural, and in agricultural societies women must work - that's why rich people in XIX century had fetish on pale skin, very slim and quite unhealthy women, because that meant that she was rich enough to stay at home and f. e. play on piano.

Because of that, we never had situation in which there was something like "stay at home wife", like you had after second world war, because your society was rich enough and labour unions were strong enough to creat situation in which income of one person in family (husband) was enough to feed family and have stable future.

Because of that in our "traditional" model of male - female relations there isn't any contradiction between being wife who care about children and working women, even thought my generation somewhat thinks about past with american perspective, so that is changing (because american culture is everywhere and it colonised our motion of past/history). Because of that "americanisation" of our history, nowadays shitty feminist femoids in Poland protest and scream against things that never existed in this part of Europe like wage gap or discrimination in work space.

same for the military, there was always a significant amount of women in most armies, like 20%-30%
not on the front lines of course but doing other jobs
westerners had a good life for so long that they forgot how the good life is built and maintained

Too late my friend. You're just next in line after us, when it comes to adopting the west-funded degeneracy enveloping our societies and washing over our cultures. as time comes, there will be more and more of it in your larger cities as the youngsters get their dosage from netflix, instagram, and their other phone-provided western *education*. it will only get worse, my moldovian friend.

protect your children from it, and choose your friends wisely.

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Globohomo art depicts everyone as faceless slave drones.

Because of that, for decade shitty feminist ideas were not popular in Poland, as we are already equal place for women without this shitty ideology, but nowadays it is changing as old generations of women dies, and young generation of femoids here are indoctrinated by netflix and American culture with American way of thinking about relation between sexes (btw. With young males it is the same, many of them are nostalgic for the past which never existed, because they think that Poland in 50s looked exactly like USA in 50s)

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I legit thought about doing that, but here's the kicker (and I'm not joking) there are fucking cameras installed to prevent vandalism with a sign that says "sponsored by Sweden and UN women)

What gives, you guys have a lot of this or is it a few examples

You should see the art in Afghanistan.

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>submit to mediocrity.

I hate that corpo "art" style so much its unreal

>All enemies of Russia infected with SJW
>All friends of Russia clean
>Any Forums conclusion: It's America

More of this bs

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UN women is based as fuck
they make shitty propaganda that makes feminism look ridiculous

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This was organized and financed by an NGO.
In all seriousness Moldovafriends, vandalize this shit.

>US paid to paint Floyd in Afghanistan
Why the fuck?
Why should average Afghani, who lived in war for over 30 years give a fuck about some guy that died in the US?
What propaganda value was that?
I'm confused.

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