Russian anons

How is life there?

Can you feel war and sanctions in your daily life yet?

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Hi russn hear, i can't afforsd to poop, and my gayanus has crusted over. pls snd halp

some inconveniences regarding online shopping from EU countries

That’s all?

We are expected to have more expensive food in the future here. Also gasoline is quite pricey, but not killer expensive.

Almost nothing changed except sone prices rise and liberals around oinking "REEEEE EVERYTHING IS LOST WE BE NORTH KOREA". Having to deal woth their whining is the most tiresome an annoying part in this situation.

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That's a lot like in America; some prices are higher, and the liberals are super emotional about Ukraine.

>liberals suddenly care about white people

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Nothing change except for the prices of gaming electronics

Yeah that's it. Russia is absolutely destroying us and they aren't affected at all by the sanctions it's fuckin' awesome. We were like "HEY RUSSIA, FUCK YOU" and they were like "Uh, no, we're more manly than you, uno reverse card bitch"

I'm glad this board recognizes Russian superiority. The rest of the world is so gay and against Russia.

It looks like this.

There are zero media reports sanctions are working at all.

Perhaps some more will be introduced soon, who knows…

>There are zero media reports sanctions are working at all.

There are several. Leave your bubble

What kind of? No media coverage at all.

no starving ivans begging potatoes in the street, but wealthy nation building weapons and praising their führer

Soon we'll nationalize McDonalds into McDonetsk

Mostly fine
Currently there are paper shortage
Babushkas still buying sugar for some reason (there 4 sugar factories in my region)
Some manufacturing were stopped due to shortage of imported parts.
Zoomers are seething.

What kind of paper shortage?

Office paper
5x price currently
There non paper bleach or some shit
News say you use to sell it to us fin bro

paper shortages aren't exclusive to Russia, there were worldwide shortages of paper before the war

Waiting for the Crimea to be the next Kuwait.

At least they aren't running indoctrination programs for normalizing the sodomizing of children by homosexuals(just look at the 2 homos with a child touching themselves) and turning them into child trannies. This is literally Sodom and Gomorrah tier of evil. Putin is right when he's saying that the Russians are fighting with God on their side in Ukraine. The homo and tranny lovers always lose in the end.

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Are you stupid?

Seriously you might get your head checked.

Thank you, this answer is pretty helpful for my understanding.

Yes, all trade has ended. I am not sure about origins of the office paper tho

Russians have "saving face at all cost" culture just like the Chinks because russians are an asiatic, not european culture. So they, in their cattle mass, won't ever admit to you that something bad happened.

Only a select few bright individuals that break out of the mold could

prices rose, grandmas remembered the USSR and began to buy sugar on an industrial scale. All the talk about the shortage of foreign goods is simply ridiculous. We were not supplied with many goods, for example, pixel, but it is quietly sold throughout the country.