A literal pedo sympathizer is being put into the Supreme Court and you can’t criticize it or you’re racist

A literal pedo sympathizer is being put into the Supreme Court and you can’t criticize it or you’re racist
> m.youtube.com/watch?v=1jDCYeR5wmM

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wtf is even going on? did one of the justices die? why are we having a confirmation? i am out of the loop

>law student 9 years ago to supreme court justice

Trump was nominated?

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One of the old leftist judges was basically forced to step down. Biden said he would only appoint a black female judge. The one that got selected is a pedo elite plant. Welcome to 2022 America the gayest ducking dystopia ever.

Are you retarded?

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It doesn’t say her lsat score

she handled his question well

In Idaho if a father rapes his 14 year old daughter and she goes to abort it, she can be sued as can anyone that helps. That is how Republicans deal with pedophilia. Get a fucking grip.

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its because breyer announced he was going to retire

Killing babies is evil seethe

What are you, a pedophobic? Stop being a bigot.

What is the fault of the baby, you colossal retard faggot?

It's not pedophilia if the child is female and the adult is male. That's just the optimal fertile and family unit building strategy. Anyone that argues against this has no choice but to go extinct because we currently have an extinction level fertility rate right now. Deal with it, you faggots.

I guess Barrets non-remarkable academic history and like 2 years as a judge were enough when it was someone to ban abortion, and that's all that really matters.

your president abuses little girls in front of everyone and no one gives a fuck

>14 year olds are.meant to be raped to breed them
Is that the conservative understanding these days? Interesting.

Post the LSAT scores and these horrors will end

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Correct. Honk honk.

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If you took the LSAT and went to law school you would know how retarded asking for your LSAT score was
WTF do you think the Bar Exam is for? They don't let you skip it if you had a perfect LSAT score

aoc is fornication decriminalization and the arguments against aoc are the best argument for blanket criminalization of fornication. marriage to teenage girls is legal with the father's permission which will never be given to you. go cry about it then /wrists

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Then just share the lsat. If it’s not a big deal then why not just share it. If Brett Kavanagh had to share the inside jokes of his year book she should have to do that much.

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I was going off of the first minute of audio in the video