RT is becoming anti Russian and anti Putin. Heads at RT need to roll

Managers and editors at RT should be arrested and imprisoned for 15 years for allowing such comments
calling President Putin a war criminal on their site that is supporter and paid for by Russian Government.
Absolute disgrace. RT (managers and stuff) needs very serious shake up.

22 Mar, 2022 11:35
Home/Business News.

"Russia settles another dollar debt".
Moscow makes its second bond payment to avert default.

Attached: RT_allowing_hate against Putin.png (1302x611, 310.89K)

Other urls found in this thread:


im not losing the youtube programation i have with this ip so instead of becoming a russian for 15 minutes i will just call this fake and gay

Why do I give a shit was a bunch of journalists think? Putin should kill all these traitors

I downloaded the RT app, hopefully they see where I am and don't nuke me

The bar to be one of the most retarded threads on Any Forums is set extrenly high yet somehow this manages to stand out as exceptionally retarded

This happened many tones before.

Some RT editors and journalists are British, for instance, and smell and sound like British glowie operatives.
Anti Russian theme is not unusual at RT.

its been a week i didnt use my phone
first smartphone i have i bought a year ago. needed for my work.
spend 3 months getting used to the weird ass tactile menus despite being a programmer irl.

long story short:
i thing ill bookmark the link and check it on another day lmao
the only app i have on my phone is vlc and it prolly will stay that way

Wonder why the comment below was deleted by RT editor, and the comment calling President Putin a war criminal was allowed to stay.

anons, Archive that RT article.
I hope President Putin will be provided with the evidence and will lock up traitors at RT.

Attached: RT is against Putin.png (1494x1352, 330.85K)


Attached: Kekistani Fag.png (900x900, 355.88K)

It looks like the moderator who is in charge of the comments under RT articles is a traitor and needs a bullet to his/her head.
Or at least 15 years in Russian prison.


Sounds like you really contradicting yourself user.

RT has been randomly deleting comments lately

too sleep drunk but one guest on the livestream said a few minutes ago that the rt site is under attack and that there are fake articles being placed on the website but i very likely just didnt listen correctly while falling out of bed

Hes losing to redditors. It's sad. he needs to drop nukes or give up his seat and die.

No, Ivan, your head needs to and will roll.

>Putin is a war criminal!

Attached: yes.png (1022x1432, 1.14M)

>Managers and editors at RT
where is it shown that the comments from the pic are those people?

seems like bullshit but everyone's entitled to their own opinions..seems western media should take a lesson from Putin

>where is it shown that the comments from the pic are those people?
It's the fucking moderator.
But the managers are not doing their job to keep mods in line of to fire them.

>But the managers are not doing their job to keep mods in line of to fire them.
What's the problem? They're not silencing dissenting opinions like reddit?