How do I cast the masturbation demons out of my head

How do I cast the masturbation demons out of my head

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you think the answer is simple and just 1 thing?
what's next, how to be a billionaire?
that said, short answer to stop masturbating is to find Love

stop caring about it jfc

Ejaculate them out of your balls.

Cut off your balls

eat garlic drink diatomaceous earth

Try praying and fasting

Wear a cross
Resist the devil and he will flee
Eventually they will move on

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take the sniffpill user

Unironically this.

OP, Google Exodus 90.

Find a gf
Work some hard manual labor, demons dispike that.
Go to church.

By killing jewish children.

Don't you watch movies? You pluck out your own eyes.


Use the Parental Controls in your iPhone.

breathing meditation and especially mindfulness meditation may help. yuttadhammo bhikkhu is a pretty good teacher. Here's a video of his on mindfulness meditation:

stop going on the computer

This whole thread will be all my prayers, subjects and stipulations inside and out.

laugh at them, call them faggot
If all else fails, get Jesus involved and integrate fasting and prayer.
Good luck.

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Create an imaginary emotional anchor.
For me, it's a pillar of flame or white light inside my head.
It's incorruptible, and associated with things that make me feel confident and full of willpower.
The more you "charge" it by successfully relying on it, the stronger it gets.

If you're feeling weak, meditating on it or even thinking about it will often snap you out of your urges and makes you get a hold of yourself.

Let from the myth of medusa. If you face the demon head on you turn to stone but if you use the environment to see in the abstract or in reflections you can slay the demon. What this tells us is that we can change ourselves and slay our demons directly, we must fix the environment in such a way that the environment fixes us. So, change your environment, change your job, if it matters that much cut off your hands. Whatever you do, don't try to use will, you will fail like a new years resolution. Also, read about Musashi, in particular about having a goal and being ruthless. That's all the free advice you get fag.

Stop inviting them in.

Primal instinct is not "demons".

You have to get right with Jesus AND get in the Word.

Remember, you can't jack off if you hold the Bible with both hands.

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