Peak boredom

Anons I have reached peak boredom. There's nothing I enjoy doing anymore. I hate my job. Money doesn't make me happy. I have terrible social skills. Everyone in my friend group and family is falling apart. I'm considering seeing a psychiatrist and go to pills. What did you do to escape?

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Take out all your money and move to Malaysia (they speak english there), see how it goes
Just go do who knows what in a corner of the world that americans don't care about

I'll take a look. Costa rica was a thought too

Being bored is different than being overstimulated by social media and the internet and tv 24/7 365.
You're not bored. You're exhausted. Turn off the phone. Go camping without it. Bring a fishing rod and an axe for firewood. Spend a week there. You won't be bored anymore.

why not go to DC and start some shit there to liven up your life?

Im white and i dont wanna die.

>considering seeing a psychiatrist and go to pills
Oh my god you fucking retard

Inevitably I'll have to return to the same shit

Was just like you. peak boredom. Then my country got invaded, now im not bored anymore haha (cause im constantly scared shitless, like every day).

What would you say you do everyday now? I couldn't imagine. Do you appreciate life more?

I'd rather be a doped up retard then just a retard

The only thing you can believe is that he got enough time to shitpost.
Think about that

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I do pretty much same as before, only instead of bored im now constantly scare.

>Do you appreciate life more?

I appreciate sleeping more. While im sleeping i feel calm and not scared, so now im sleeping like 10-12 hours a day. While before i was sleeping like 6-8 cause i was thinking its just stupid sleeping what a waste of time.

Take the pet pill user
Not no stupid cat or dogs that soaks up money with little reward. I spend my time taking care of my snakes, building enclosures, learning about new species.

thankfully not all ukraine is warzone at this moment. but threat of it keeps me constantly scared.

Thank you for taking your precious time reassuring me

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Oh yeah? How come? Your preconceived obligations only have meaning over you if you let them.

You’re setting yourself up for an OD it seems. If you’re going to get high to cope, just do weed. No prescription drugs or alcohol.

Do you plan on leaving if shit gets out of hand where you are?
It's a will to do something. I don't want to do anything. It's pathetic I know.

Yeah, you need to be loaded as a Westerner to be able to actually relocate to Malaysia though.

I recently got back into weed. Know why I stopped. My thoughts get more OCD and I get depressed. Maybe Ill just eat it.

Playing my bass and trolling the ngmi’s in Any Forumsgg/

I mean you're probably depressed, antidepressants can help, nothing wrong with that.

Problem is life is too easy for you because there is no challenge yet you are comfortable and have all your immediate needs/wants filled. We didn't evolve for such conditions so your brain is going 'what next', you can cope with psych meds or make yourself find some greater purpose. But that will be hard so long as you are comfortable.

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