Where were you when the USA imploded?

>Where were you when the USA imploded?
I think I’ll be on my roof hoping for something big to go down here, too

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Ukraine has been a cringe pickme bitch for years it turns out

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>Ukrainians pay the price
Instead of NATO members?
Sounds good to me

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It's still Zelensky's fault. He let it all happen knowing this. He should have stopped it before it started.
Sure, blame US for leading him on, giving false hope, I did this whole time, but now this makes Zelensky look terrible. I can't credit him the excuse of being duped by the CIA now.

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I guess not anymore.

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Kek how do they expect to get away with this level of shit after 9/11 and 7/7. Most people know the government either did it or at least allowed it to happen.

The US government isn’t to be trusted? Color me surprised

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Would prefer to see the interview itself and not Kim dotcom's interpretation, because the guy is a giant fake news bitch.

Is there a proper source? I need to it gloat at someone

Is he trying to lose his immunity? Too much drugs?

People in the US dont care about this conflict, normies don't care twitter is not a reflection of society. This is all just cope for Biden absolutely spiraling and misdirection from it. You'll know when something real happens because all the normies will be talking about it irl.

so when russia tried to join NATO a while back, why were they prevented from doing so?
it's almost like when you go out of your way to alienate and ostracize an entire nation there are consequences.

fun fact, guess which world leader was at Versailles and was rebuffed when he asked for his people's indepdence from france (and then what happened?)

this whole thing could have been prevented if the cold war dogma of
>russia bad!
had been properly put to rest. but no, instead the west has continually used russia as a foil for their own agenda. and further, once this war is over and the situation normalizes; the anti-russia hatred will still be there. long term it solves nothing.

This is such a boomer misrepresentation. 90% of Russia's borders are completely meaningless because they are in snowy, unpassable mountains.

oh, yeah. I forgot about that.
have any links to a real source?

>Taking anything that like has to say seriously
I don't like the feds either but this faggot had been extremely rabid towards his own people

>means the US could have easily prevented this war
Means that Zelensky could have as well by telling the US to go fuck itself with its faggy games. He lead his country into this mess.

>fun fact, guess which world leader was at Versailles and was rebuffed when he asked for his people's indepdence from france (and then what happened?)
Are you talking about Ho ?
Before the war there was a consensus reached, in 1946 if I remember correctly, but the General that was supposed to finish the négociations died in a plane accident then the US and USSR banded together to fan the flames of war and kick france out of Asia.

I'm sure it's true, but no one in Washington will pay any price. The idea that Ukraine was going to be part of NATO was retarded, but Washington thought it would be funny to troll the bear.

The US could have prevented this war by not overthrowing the Ukrainian regime back in 2014.