Why is Canada vociferously pro-Ukraine?

What's in it for Canadians? Is it only because of Chrystia Freeland being second-in-command and Ukrainians being a significant minority (3%) enough to swing an election? At least in USA you have a lot of Republican voters and independents skeptical of supporting Ukraine, in Canada virtually everyone, liberal or conservative, supports sending weapons and money to Ukraine.

Attached: canada-ukraine.jpg (550x340, 21.74K)

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Because le Russia bad

>why is the most globohomo nation on earth so pro globohomo , helping to reset the world onto a universal globohomo path
hmm i wonder

Canada has one of the largest Ukranian populations in the world, also why would they choose to diverge from the American narrative in this case?

Trudeau is not everyone here, idiot.

Anyways, what’s so great about Jewtin that you have to shill him?

Russia le good

World Economic Forum Young Global Leader authoritarian communist brainwashing country supports another World Economic Forum Young Global Leader ran communist brainwashing culture due to “democratic values.”

this, we have a shit ton of people of Ukrainian descent here

Roughly 10% of our population is ukrainians descended.

Canada has the largest Ukrainian population in the world outside of Russia and Ukraine

when i talk to anyone over the age of 35 about the conflict people are always just repeating things they kind of understood on the news
>"well we can't ignore putin!"
>"if the buck doesn't stop there where will it?"
>etc etc
boomers are fucking retarded and will follow anything so long as it doesn't inconvenience their 9-5 mindset. You aren't allowed to be against either side or have an objective opinion because of the pathetic social state we are in. Criticize anything or stand somewhere not in the clearly marked BLACK or WHITE stance and people lack the critical thinking to have a discussion.

Understand that, at least since Tony Blair's first election, the left has had a loose confederation of like-minded thinkers in the US, UK, Canada, and Australia.

Their goals are generally the same, so they pull on the same rope. So, if one decides that:
> Russia bad = trump bad = liberal win

then they will all join in, helping to forward their collective aim. Remember, the left bases their organization on the communist revolutionaries, so don't expect them to ever explain their real motives


Because propaganda

I'm not convinced on your usage of the word vociferously. I mean, it fits the context of your question, but I'm just not a big fan of it. I have nothing to add to this discussion.

Because Western Canada has a strong Ukrainian diaspora. Basically anywhere across the prairies, minus Winnipeg and Northern areas. That's chug territory.

There is an imperial fugg-tonne of kikes in this nation overwhelming, suppressing and subverting white interest; and this causes unrelenting catastrophic problems in every sector of our country. Normies get hard-ons for altruism upcummies, so the JQ is always off the table.

Attached: 1647621984619.jpg (647x386, 38.71K)

TV talk box person said so.
That's why.
That's the only reason why.
Drop a nuke and stir up some shit, fuck both sides. It's just the kikelbergs causing more whites to kill other whites so they can get more shekles.

Attached: 1595385164623.jpg (1080x1064, 227.88K)

You mean why are they able to dump millions of tax payer dollars into a corrupt country and pull it back out into their own personal slush funds?
Let's think about for another second or two.

we have a shitload of Ukrainian people

Because Canada is Big Gay

In the USA, they used to make fun of the Polish and call them stupid. The border between Poland and Ukraine shifted a lot in the 20th Century.

Maybe some of those people in Ukraine are stupid.

That 10% of Canada of Ukrainian descent can be stupid too.

Life was made good in Canada too by the original Europeans that settled the land and made a stable society.

When times are good, it is easier to subvert stupid people. The other 90% of Canadian population can be stupid too.

Attached: fdhdshrhe3434.jpg (1036x458, 274.43K)

You gotta remember those niggers grew up in the cold war. Nuclear exchange was a real possibility.
With the death of the Petrodollar, I'm honestly wondering if this shit will pop up