Get fucked, transphobe

Get fucked, transphobe.

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if feminism was based this would've never happened


Why do communists shill neoliberal values?

These kikes and trannies are really, really fucking stupid, my goodness

women earned this

You vill repeat 2+2=5
und you vill be happy.

Attached: klaus.png (716x675, 596.13K)

Easy way to get young impressionable retards

The origin of transphobes, explained

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>stolen by Lia
Lia sounds like a girl's name?
This girl should use his real name, if she's accusing him of stealing a girl's win.

You can’t be a feminist and hate trans folx, fascist.


Attached: tranny coffee.png (726x711, 475.16K)

Too much speaking her mind and not enough choking on girlcock.

Why do they waste their time posting on twitter? Just kill the tranny if it's such a problem


I dunno. My uncle went to jail in Chile for being a hippie under Allende. I guess they realized that alienating the most impressionable retards isn't a good way to gain support.

Pay attention here people!

It didn't bother the women that a tranny was competing with them
It bothered them that the tranny WON!
The tranny is ok to compete, but not to win? I'd say just bad sportsmanship.

Based. W*men should know their place. Trannies are in the house.

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This. Years upon years of feminists saying they are just as strong (if not more) than men, claiming they are just as smart and competent, and boom, one lil' tranny shows up at a competition and COMPLETLY BTFOS ALL WOMEN.

All this female athletes should wake the fuck up and go back to the kitchen and leaves sports to men.

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She probably "supports the lgbtqui? community"

>I totes rejected this guy cause he was short, he definitely didn't immediately back away because he found out I have a dick, or mutilated genitals

Clown world

>trannies think they pass

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Transphobic terf scumloards like her all deserve to get raped, thoroughly

>95% of all men are transphobes

Fuck off Klaus

It's amazing how people here and thousands on twitter STILL do not realize that was a fake account and not the swimmer.

I love seeing women getting BTFO

Attached: lia-thomas.jpg (565x570, 76.94K)

Someone should break one of his legs, in Minecraft.

surely you have proofs

>All cis women refuse to compete
>only males remain
>Everyone laughs
>femoids seethe

Chinklink likes the feminine penis. You will never pass Chinklink.